For All You Vegetarians...?!
Answers: I am also a vegetarian, but I would like to know why you are one....
I'm vegetarian because I saw this video: and didn't want to support cruelty to animals through my food choices any longer.
cause i cant afford meat
Because I find meat difficult to digest. I am blood type A and it is claimed that we should not eat meat as well. Also, there is a history of coronary disease in my family so I avoid animal products where I can.
i'm a vegetarian because i can't stand the thought of eating a cute animal. Also, i'm against hunting and killing for fur, and if i eat an animal, there's no use of being against it! But i'm also a vegetarian because i don't like anyone killing animals for ANY reason! Even for survival! I mean, how can you eat that cute and defensless cow!? It just sickens me how people could love to eat meat so much!
Initially for religious reasons, it's just easier to stick to dietary laws when meat is taken out of the equation. When I started the change, coupled with exercise, I Iost weight, which was a plus. However, when I started doing half-a$$ed research on the internet, I found some disturbing information, which made me glad I was a vegetarian. Then, I started watching documentaries about big business food production, stuff like "Super-size Me" and a graphic film about a slaughter house, sealed the deal. Then, I took a college nutrition course, and found out, that being a vegetarian was actually more beneficial, than the meat and potatoes diet that I was raised on. Granted, it's not for everybody, but with things like high-blood pressure, stroke, obessity, and a plethora of other illnesses that run in my family, it's a good choice for me.
becaz even if they do taste good, and smell good, i hate thinking about poor animals skinned or shot or whatever cruel people do, and just cooked their body. and sprinkle in whatever other spices they have. 1 time my friend kate(shes chinease) and i went to this chinease store, and out at this little post, i saw duck with all its body still on, and cooked, tied up its legs with a rope and hanged on this hooker. god. and while we cruised down the aisle, saw stuff like pigs heart, brain, shrimps brain, and pigs feet. ahh, it drives me crazy, i almost fainted. but life is life, animals are food, so i always stay off the meat and goo for salad and other stuff, yea!
OK I understand that, yes, its terribly wrong to eat a little animal, but I'm a vegetarian, but If you don't eat meat your brain doesn't develop as well, (I'm not saying vegetarians are stupid, but this is true) and your bones have no protein to go off of and help you get stronger when you exercise, so my family makes me have a little bit of steak each month so I can stay strong.
~Its not my choice if anyone doesn't ever want to eat meat but I understand~
ethical and health reasons. and i prefer not to have **** rotting in my colon
I'm not
I never really like meat, I only ate a few different kinds growing up and they had to be a certain way or I wouldn't eat them. I love animals and decided I shouldn't eat them, especially after seeing Earthlings.
I am from a Filipino family, and meat is a staple part of my family's diet. But the types of sauces and spices they put on their meat really made me dislike meat from a young age and even when I ate American meat, its taste was very reminiscent of the seasoned/spiced meat, and I hated it! So that's why I don't like meat, for taste reasons and also because it is easier for me to watch my weight when I cut meat out of my diet.
its really sad how people now adays are turning vegetarian just because of the "FAD". One must think vegetarianism is an individual lifestyle, which mus be based on one's personal principles and conviction. For me its the understanding of the whole ecological process and my protest against animal cruelties. and also i feel guilty that more than half of the world's population is suffering from hunger and famine, and meat is consider a luxury.
I have many reason that I became a vegetarian but the major reason is that the Bible tells us we are not to eat the blood of an animal and since here in the USA the meat is not properly drained of blood I do not eat the meat. But then I have other reason too . The cruelty the animal are subjected to. The hormones and antibiotics they are given then that are passed to us as well as ornamental reasons even though I am not an environmentalist. Also health as well. a vegetarian diet is much more healthy than the SAD so many reasons.
I wouldn't eat my dog.