How long does it take to adjust completely to being vegan? I am on day 2- and my stomach is really growling!?!
Answers: I am going from eating chicken and fish- to completely vegan. How long am I going to feel hungry? Thanks!
You shouldn't be that hungry. Remember, vegan food tends to have less calories for its volume, since there's so much veg. Eat some chickpeas, tofu, beans or something high-protein like that, or something with lots of fibre, like cereal or wholegrain breads.
You might want to try to track your calories, fat, vitamins and minerals, at least for the first few days.
Are you sure you are getting enough calories/protein? Going vegan is great, but it's very difficult to get all the nutrients you need. You might feel like you eat all the time, so that should mean you get enough, but considering what you actually eat (all very low-cal stuff) this might not be the case.
Re-evaluate the calories you eat. The problem might lie there.
If you are getting enough calories already, then it will probably take 1-2 weeks for your body to adjust.
Being vegan isn't about starving yourself! You still need enough calories for your body to function, enough protein, and fruits and veggies. I suggest you see a nutritionist to get off to a good start.
it could be a couple of things
1) you are not eating enough. being vegan should not mean being hungry
2) you are eating enough and are not really hungry but just craving for the foods that you use to enjoy... it shall pass
Make sure you're meeting your caloric needs... if you just eat salads and vegetables you will always be hungry. So... have a variety of foods - grains, beans, nuts, fruits, veggies, fake meats.
Good fake meat products:
Vegan meal ideas:
Vegan recipes:
Good luck!!