If you dont eat meat for 6 months and then suddenly eat a baconator from wendy's, what will happen?!
Then you will feel sick.
You wont actually get sick, it's just your body adjusting to eat meat, as it is not used to it.
Answers: At first you will think, "OH GOD THIS IS THE GREATEST THING IVE EVER EATEN."
Then you will feel sick.
You wont actually get sick, it's just your body adjusting to eat meat, as it is not used to it.
you will likely bloat and then have diarhea.
You'll probably die of a massive heart attack...
I doubt it would stay down, dude...
you will be very happy
stomach cramps and diarrhea probably, and/or throw up
diarrhea and vomiting
Vomit City.. population: you.
You'll be on the road to perpetual bliss!
It depends on your stomach type some people could do that without any problem others may have stomach issues and reject the food. Who knows?
Its a myth that our bodies somehow become unable to process foods we don't eat for a long time. If it made you sick before, it probably still will. If it didn't, chow down (but keep the barf bag handy anyway!)
I eat meat almost daily, and the baconator sounds sickening. For a veggie, I'm sure it would be worse.
you wont fell good at all. Trust me my mom threw up when that happen to her. Dont get a salad
I think your body will respond as if you were full of it.
i dont know lol
those regular bowl movements would become irregular
If you don't eat meat (or something that can work as a substitute) for 6 months... then you won't have a chance to eat the baconator.
You'll get sick. I have been without pork and beef for 4 months.. and the other day I craved a wendy's burger and I was sick and vomiting for the rest of the day. I don't suggest eating fast food if you're going to introduce meat back into your diet... start with something lighter and less greasy like fish or baked chicken breast.
If you eat the whole thing at one time you will either throw it back up or have to go to the bathroom pretty bad or both. But if you eat it slowly and space it out, It will not tear your stomach up as bad, eating little portions at a time gives your digestive system time to work and break down the food and get ammune to the meat again. Good Luck
You will turn into that little guy with the red wig and run around saying baconator, Then they will find you sitting in Wendy's freezer. No seriously you would probably die. Do you have life insurance?
Honestly? Probably nothing. Unless there's something wrong with the baconator to begin with. Some people might have more sensitive stomachs than others, but there's no way that in 6 months the enzymes in your stomach change so much they cannot break down meat.
A bad case of gas and a rise in your cholesterol levels. You may even feel like you are suffering from a heart attack owing to said gas build up!
nothin, i assume
You'll be most likely feeling sick of your stomach, something similar happened to me, but nothing life threatening.
You wouldn't be hungry for a while.
wow...this made my boss and i crack up and laugh in tears.
im definitely spreading this more so than wendys has spread advertisement for the baconator.
10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1... BOOM! Just Kidding idk proly nothing
Any food your not used to will make you feel unwell.
You'll get sick because after a certain amount of time your body doesn't produce the enzymes to digest meat. You can buy enzyme pills from health food stores to help, but no promise that you won't get sick.
Depends on your blood type