Is sperm vegan?!
i am really vegan. and i really want to know the answer to this question because i have been thinkin about for a long time
don't respond if you're not mature enough to handle it. thanks
Answers: let's see... i asked this before, but i had it deleted & then put back by yahoo, but all the answers were like, "OMGG EWWWW LOLLLZZZ111"
i am really vegan. and i really want to know the answer to this question because i have been thinkin about for a long time
don't respond if you're not mature enough to handle it. thanks
Will you nurse your child ?
Is it ok for a Vegan to nurse ?
The question you ask should be between consenting adults.... unless you are looking for an excuse not to swallow.
do you plan on eating Sperm?
it's an animal product...
No, because it comes from an animal.
It depends on what the man eats.
What are you 12..?
But okay...then no. They are protein from an animal.
no, it has protein and it comes from animals
you're stupid. lol
I wouldn't think so because it's alive and swimming around. It's also technically an animal product.
By the letter of the vegan code, no but I'm sure your vegan boyfriend would give you a
if you get the sperm from a coconut it is vegan ... if you get the sperm from a man....are you learning yet?
My wife says it is ,if the donor is vegan.(Chemicals in the food they eat)
I would think so, it's not like you're eating meat... can vegans drink milk? If so, then you should be ok. If milk's bad, I would think semen is too.
if u wouldn't eat something from a cow why would eat something from a human.
I don't think that sperm would fit into any category as vegan, vegetarian... Some people that are vegan don't have sex with people that eat meat believing that their bodies are full of animal carcasses.
I would say no, it's a product from a living being. Just as milk from a cow or goat or eggs from a chicken. The human body producing it making it a "living thing". I would say, avoid it if vegan, but condoms would severely reduce contact. Try flavored ones.
i wouldnt think so being that it comes from a human,which is an animal in a sense
idk are you planning on drinking sperm soon?
Well, it IS a living thing, so if you plan on it going through your digestive track, it's not vegan. Otherwise, it's alright.
Well it comes from an animal but what male would complain about being milked?
technically vegetarians can eat sperm. It's not against their code because it's not harming the man you are taking it from. Actually, I'm sure he enjoys it.
Wait a minute...milk isn't vegan? If milk is vegan... idk...I didn't think milk was vegan though.
I was slightly confused as to where this question would come from at first, but then I though about it...sperm helps make babies, and babies are edible, I guess, so that would be meat...I'm not sure, I would have to say yes, it is vegan...
i am not vegan and really dont know the rules for everything but i believe that vegan means you only eat(comsume) things that are natural ( not animal or man made). i would belive that it is vegan in a way beacuse it is not made, but then it is in a way MAN made...haha. i would think it would be ok. i dont know really but it is one of those guestions that can go both ways like..... what came first the chicken or the egg.....
what? are you asking if sperm from a guys ya know what is vegan what is vegan by your opnion
? according to the dictionary it means: veg·an (vē'g?n, věj'?n) Pronunciation Key
n. A vegetarian who eats plant products only, especially one who uses no products derived from animals, as fur or leather.
so by what your asking isn't it really a dumb question that makes no sense?
i guess it could be considered something a "vegan" wouldnt consume since it came from another living thing. depends i guess. but if the only reason a vegan wouldnt consume sperm is because they want to continue being a vegan then thats kinda stupid in my oppinion, because ur probably too worried about the actual label of vegan than the real reason u become one, like u dont want to support companys that kill or use animal products because if ur getting sperm from a male ur probably pleasing him.. and if its because u want to have a healthier life sperm isnt that bad for u at all unless its got an std. i've heard it can actually eat away plack on ur teeth..
No, but a blowwjob definitely isn't cruelty to animals.
If it's coming from a consenting male human, yes.
We avoid things for a reason. We don't avoid them just to avoid them.
Nobody is being exploited. Just like breastfeeding. Male semen is meant for human uh...use. Breastmilk is meant for human babies.
So because you eat meat, I should assume you eat human meat, right? I mean... it is meat.
If it's human sperm and your coming by it naturally - if you catch my drift - then yeah. Vegans have sex.
If it's animal sperm, draw your own conclusions...
Is this a serious question or are you making fun of vegans?
yes because it has yet to meet the ovary
You eat sperm!!!! blahahahahahaha LMAO!!!!! OMG LOLOLOL LMAO You're sick!!!!!! rofl
you cant be for real,