Why can't humans eat grass? Please?!

Question: because it has more effect if you smoke it.

Answers: because it has more effect if you smoke it.

They can,I used to eat grass when I was child.

we can

have you ever bothered to try it

and it is good for you

I think we can, but it tastes peculiar. A friend made me a bright green grass drink, sipped it. Very earthy taste, but it did look pretty.

Who said you cant.
You go outside and get a big handful of grass, and you much down and tell me how it is..

its the way our digestive system works. rumminants have a much tougher and longer digestive system, capable of digesting the tough fibers and extracting some nutrition from it. they have to spend the whole day eating anyway, just to maintain their bodies. Why would u want to eat grass anyway??

You can, no one is stopping you, go for it.

In fact, my lawn needs cutting, you're welcome to come around for a bit of a graze.

you can

u are not meant to eat grass as the stomach has a hard time digesting it i did this in school lol. so you can eat it but you don't really want to

You can. Its just probably covered in dog piss.

Some people eat grass, it's full of phytonutrients. Typically you'd add it into shakes, if you go to the refridgerated natural juice section of your grocery store, you'll probably see fruit juice with grasses added to it.

Most popular ones seem to be wheatgrass and barley grass and are frequently paired with spirulina and chlorella as well.

they can... as long as they still have an appendix because that is what the body used before man evolved to what he is today, in order to digest grass

Coz there are alot more tastier things to eat....

Sure we can, as long as it's prepared and washed properly and treated to be safe. In fact, Jamba Juice and other health food smoothie places often serve "wheat grass shots", which are in fact made out of wheat grass, as well as offer munches of the actual grass itself.

It's just not a smart idea to eat grass right from the ground in a random field, because that grass tend to house hosts of microorganisms (from manure of various animals and birds, insects, passing traffic, etc.) that aren't exactly health-conscious.

But many varieties of grass are perfectly fit for human consumption.

you can eat grass if you boil it

Who would want to eat grass a dog might have had a wee on it

We can't digest it very well - neither can many of the grass eating animals which is why some have more than one stomach and regurgitate and re chew it (chewing the cud). Having said that we do need lots of fibre to help cleanse out our digestive system, but we get more nutrition from other greenery such as kale and spinach

Technically humans can eat grass. However, we can't digest it and turn it into energy in the way that ruminants can because their stomachs contain simbiont bacteria which can break the chemical bond of cellulose (in grass) to enable the converstion to energy. Humans don;t have this ..
plus it taste's rubbish!

We can eat it we just can't digest it. We can't break down the cellulose fibres. Like we can't digest the fibres in chewing gum.

We can. What makes you think we can't? Fresh, spring grass tastes lovely and sweet and juicy.

We human can eat tender grass. When the grass matures, it becomes stiffened with cellulose and silica, and quite difficult for our teeth to handle. It will wear them out if we chewed the grass as well as cows do.

The growing tips of all grasses are quite sweet. Grass sprouts are quite nutritious (i.e. wheat grass in health food stores)

My dogs eat grass every day, and amazingly do not throw it up. My vet says they do it to throw up, but it comes right out the other end, undigested. Maybe it has some medical value for canines. Maybe we have something to learn from our canines.

Here's an article about someone who survived in the wilderness eating grass!
Bon appetite!

You can.

The cows will get mad and go on strike.

Baby Jesus has the answer.
I am certain you did not mean whay we cant eat grass it is just the way we speak, the question realy is why humans dont eat grass.
The answer of course is that the creator has not created us humans to eat grass and then digest it to extract the nutreants to nourish our system. The grass eating animals cetainly have longer intetines and also the fabric of their stomach and parts which play part in digesting and transporting are specially designed by God as to be able to do so. And beleive it or not, their systems are created thus.
All without indulging into any religious debate.......
To understand this,we have to look arround, to see that god has specially designed grass and vegitation eating animals. There are many aspects but here, I might mention just one or two. Firstly notice that all grass eating animals have flat teeth and most can brind food back into their mouths and cud, that is chew one more time to make it easier to digest.

Now, there are those creachers who only eat meat like the lions, cheetahs etc. Notice that their teeth are designed specially to tear of meat (like the dracula) long, and then also flat teeth at the back. So they can tear and then chew. They also have a system created by God, to be able to accept raw meat and gigest it.
So, comming back to the question. God has created all creatures as he is the Almighty Creator of the universe and all that is in it and the creatures on earth. Each creature is uniquely created by him.
The humans, have fangs as well as grinding and chewing teeth, indication that humans are designed to eat both meat and vegetables, but humans were also taught that their system can only accept certain types of food and thus they follow the rules of nature.
Only nature decides, we may not eat grass. We may go against that and have a belly ache. Yet , in the second world wars in the jungles of Burma British troops made up mostly indians ate buds from trees and soft parts of grass to survive, perhaps in very small quantities.
I hope this answers the question.

I must also say this that it is a very good thing indeed, that God, made some creachers which eat grass only, some eat meat only, and some eat fish only and so on other wise if no one ate meat, the whole world would soon fill up with cows sheep, pigs, goats, and many other animals. And if we all ate grass, there would be none left.
So, Hallujia?

Our systems weren't made to process the cellulose found in grass. Ruminants have another "stomach" to that.

I am pretty sure I have had it baked in "muffins" or "brownies" or something! Didn't hurt at all!

not enough stomachs
not enough molars to chew the cud
wrong bacteria in the stomachs

grass is pretty crappy stuff as life fuel. Full of indigestible cellulose fibres.

Cows are useful cos we bred them to be basically grass digesting machines - turning something inedible into something edible.

Other grass-eaters are just filling an evolutionary niche: grass is a successful plant, so anything that can live on it has some chance of finding a home.

Here you go, Darlin'. Have one of my wonderful brownies. I even iced them. Nuts? No there are no nuts.

then why don't you just have at it

becasue it's much better to smoke it than to eat it...

seriously, you can eat lwn grass. Not the best tasting and most nutritious food there is but you can..... even carnivores like dogs will eat grass if they have upset stomachs.. they use it as an emetic

And FYI, Rice and Wheat are varieties of grass. Bamboo, the fastest growing plant and the tallest grass is edible.. Bamboo shoots are widely eaten in Asia particularly China.

coz they aint cows are they?

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