Are you a vegetarian or not? What are your reasons?!
Answers: Of course I am vegetarian, because i do believe in karma!!!!!!!!!!
I'm a vegetarian.
This is only because i don't like meat, when i used to eat it, it made me feel so ill, and its just chewy, with like no taste.
I'm not following no emo trend.
1. I don't like making animals suffer for things I want (not need).
2. Animal products are not necessary for humans to lead a good life.
The transition, like any change, is inconvenient at worst. It is a weak excuse against vegetarianism or even veganism.
Hans B,
First, I assume you're referring to canines, not incisors. While it proves that we have the ability to eat meat, it does not mean we need to. You're really stretching the logic here.
Secondly, what enzymes are you referring to that digest "animal protein"? Protein is protein - our body does not differentiate between plant and animal protein. This is from basic biochemistry. The enzymes trypsin and chymotrypsin work upon beef and tofu in the same way.
There are only two reasons why humans eat meat.
1. They live in an area where it is the only major food - most of the U.S does not fall in this category at all.
2. They like its taste - this is a preference, not a need.
Not veggie here because I believe most of the worlds best dishes include some kind of meat. The flavours and tastes of meat dishes are second to none. I understand why others choose to refrain but where taste buds are concerned then you cant beat the meat.
I am not a vegetarian.
I am quite passionate about the rights of animals, and I am quite concerned with the use of pesticides, chemicals, hormones, and genetic modification used on all types of food.
That is the exact reason im not a vegetarian...even though i care for all these things, there is no way i can create a substantial diet for myself, eliminating the things that have all the above done to them....and because i like meat. Why give it up if everything else is just as bad?
I know i could go organic, but those products are very far from cheap, let alone appropriately priced!! dont have the money for it.
yes animal rights
i'm not vegetarian by my diet consists of around 70% vegetables.
firstly is because it is healthy due to these reasons:
a) vitamins in vegetables and fruits enhances senses as well as maintaining metabolisme such as the reproductive system.
b) it has no cholestrol.
c) some vegetables has the property to slow down oxidation inside the body such as blood vessels and the skin.this helps to postpone ageing.
d) it has high fibre content that helps you to satisfy your hunger fast (if you're on a diet) and aids in excretion during 'potty' time.
those are just the tip of the iceberg.
another reason which is not related to health maintenance is that vege-based meal takes little knowledge to prepare,takes a small time to cook and can be eaten raw.
I'm vegetarian because I don't want to support cruelty to animals as shown in this video:
The inhumane treatment of animals on factory farms would result in felony cruelty-to-animals charges if cats or dogs were the victims. Sadly, "common" or "routine" agricultural practices are considered legal regardless of how much suffering they cause. The most effective way to prevent animal suffering is to go vegetarian.
I am not-I still eat fish on occasion, because I love fish and seafood.
The rest of the time-a plant based diet is healthier, more economically sustainable and I do have concerns about cruelty in the meat industry.
I am a vegetarian - for environmental reasons at first, but have been increasingly worried by the other aspects of the meat industry
for Hans B above ,who said "If we were not supposed to eat animals, why are they made out of meat?", ...........
1)go eat one raw then.
2) you and your family are made out of meat also- eat some of them.
Vegetarians are what they are because they choose to to be one. I am not because I choose not to be one.
I am a lacto vegetarian (I don't really eat eggs unless it's in the bread I'm eating) and have been for about 13 years now. My main reason is based on animal rights because I believe they have souls and feelings and they have the capability to suffer and they do struggle to survive.
Of course, I consider it a healthy alternative to the traditional American diet if done right. I'm in the health care field, so I'm not ignorant on nutrition.
And yes, biologically, it's more natural!
That's for all of you who think that humans are designed to eat meat. It's pretty obvious that we weren't.
chicken is still a vegetable...right?
nope i'm not a veggie-eater-person.
why? i like meat alot. sure i feel bad for the animals but not that bad.
A meat eater. I don't like vegetables very much, but love meat.
I am not a vegetarian. If we weren't supposed to eat animals, then why are they made of meat?
Ok, who gave meat eaters the thumbs down? That is so ridiculous. Ever notice those pointy teeth in your dome called 'incisors'? Ever wonder why we have the enzymes in our stomachs to digest animal protein? Because we're omnivores you dolts!!
I don't agree with modern north american farming practices and I don't support corporate feed lot farming by not buying their crappy products, whether its poultry, beef, pork, or fish. But I love me some bacon!
Don't insult the starving people of the world by being such a diva. ''oohh, look at me, I'm so spoiled I can chose NOT to eat what other people are dying to get their hands on''.
In Darwins book, vegetarians are the first against the wall.
Maybe we should go around the planet and kill all predators. Because its not fair that the animals being preyed on have to be hunted and killed. Imagine the trauma of being chased through a field and then pinned down and eaten alive. Animal cruelty my a s s