Is wanting to become a vegetarian, normal?!

Question: Well ... I think I wanna become a vegetarian, is that normal for a 14 year old like me? Bcuz I don't like the thought of so many animals being killed!! Should I just wait 'til I'm older and so I can have some time to really think about becoming one????

Answers: Well ... I think I wanna become a vegetarian, is that normal for a 14 year old like me? Bcuz I don't like the thought of so many animals being killed!! Should I just wait 'til I'm older and so I can have some time to really think about becoming one????

Lots of people go vegetarian at about your age, I did. props to you for your awareness and compassion!!

There are loads of books and websites out there about how to be vegetarian, the different types of vegetarians and vegans, and ideas about how to work with family and the world to support your choices. Vegetarian Times is a great one, and so is

Make sure you eat plenty of whole grains, beans and legumes, and fresh veggies and fruits, especially green leafy vegetables. You can decide whether to include dairy and eggs. I recommend that you do include them at first, to make the change easier.

Best of luck!

Why wait? Do it NOW!!


"why do you think God put animals on they earth?"---on THEY Earth?

"if you think its cruel to eat animals then just eat chicken"---my goodness!

Why wait? Talk to your parents, see if they an incorp a meal for you with no meat products. Shouldnt be too hard for them.

Take time to think about your decision. It doesn't matter what age you are.

That's an interesting question.

It's true that most people are not vegetarians, and so being a vegetarian is not 'normal' in the sense that vegetarians are in a minority. However, there are many strong and coherent arguments for being a vegetarian.

For example, there is a very strong argument to the effect that humans do not have a natural right to kill animals for food when it's possible for us to gain the same amount of nutrition using less cruel means. Cheetahs need to kill animals for food, because they don't know how how to cultivate protein-rich crops and develop vitamin supplements; humans don't need to kill animals for food, we can do without them.

So, no, you are probably not normal, but you may well be right. You need to balance up what's important; being normal, or doing the right thing.

I should point out, in the interests of full disclosure, that although I can't give any moral justification for why humans should eat animals, I am not myself a vegetarian. I just like the taste of meat too much.

My brother became a vegetarian by his own free will when he was only thirteen! He hasn't touched any meat for over a year and a half now.. My mom makes sure that she gets him all the nutrition that he's missing out, so make sure your parents will do the same and respect your decision. If you're serious about it, and your parents will help you out, go for it. Nothing's stopping you other than the tasty meat. =]

wat more is there to think about?

ive sorta wanted to becoma a vegetarian...just never got around to it. haha.

Don't worry about what's "normal". If you can' stand the thought of animals being killed for your food, then stop eating animal products. No need to wait.
Just make sure you're eating a nutritionally balanced diet.
If you find being a vegitarian isn't for you, you can always switch back.

Nah dude, do what you think is right. I'm the only 14-year-old male Vegetarian I know, so it'd be nice if you did. I feel a lot better and healthy, and my conscience is clean, so I definetly recommend it. And don't worry about what other people say either.

Don't worry, it's normal... tons of teens go veg when they learn about how animals are abused on factory farms. I became veg overnight in 7th grade and have no regrets!

See these sites for lots of tips:

Also, it's perfectly healthy for teens to become vegetarian. The American Dietetic Association is one of the top nutrition experts in the U.S. They write: "Well-planned vegan and other types of vegetarian diets are appropriate for all stages of the life cycle, including during pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood and adolescence."

Good luck!

You can become one if you want.
You will be saving the Earth if you do,but you might go to bed hungry if you don't eat the food you like.

no, i became a vegetarian in just 3rd grade,
its great that you care, and if you can eat veggies and tofu then go for it,
i would start off slow, slowly in 2 weeks decrease your meals of meat by the end you should be full vegetarian!
but i do think it would be unhealthy to go vegan for sure!!

Religious and medical/health issues aside, becoming a vegetarian is nothing more than a lifestyle choice made by those who have the luxury to do so. As such, there are pros and cons to consider before any decision can be made And as is with any undertaking, commitment or lack of it can be a factor for success or failure. As you are a minor, discuss this decision with your parents and if you eventually decide to become one a nutritionist/ physician who can provide you the information you need to do this right.

Well, I think the millions of vegetarians around the world will tell you that it's normal.

I know you're thinking about a lot, but if you really want to save animals and stop them from being tortured go vegan. vegans don't eat meat, milk, eggs, or anything contain animal products like geltain, casein, and whey. Vegans don't wear leather wool, fur, buy products from companies that conduct non-required animal toxicity tests ( or frequent circuses, zoos, or other places where animals are held in captivity or forced to perform.

All the animals who die so humans can wear their skin, or who endure horrific abuse so we can drink their mammary secretions, suffer hofficially, too.

My whole family is vegan, and we are mainly due to objection to animal torture, but also to protect our health.

Good luck!!!

Its normal and look though a few other questions 14-16 seams to be a very popular age.
I was about 4 when i fist stoped eating meat while the rest of my family continued and still do till this day. (it was not about animal rights back then but it goes to show no age is 2 young)
No point putting off till later what you can do now talk to your parents if you think they may have a problem with it (some nice pics of chickens or cows being killed brutaly shown to a mother can do wonders to help depending on the person) look into and get some infomation off the net from reconised academics (search yahoo answer and im sure you will find plenty of threads) showing it is not unhealthy if done right as that is often a major problem people have with acspeting it.

GL and hopefuly you will decided to join the vegetarian lifestyle shortly.

I think my daughter was about five when she stoped eating meat. She is 11 now she did because of the animal rights. I think your age will help you, because you may forget what meat teast like. By the way being vegetarian is very normal the number of veg. is growing all the time. As for the god thing he also not to kill. My god didnt put animals here to be killed.

If you have the support of your family, becoming vegetarian will be relatively easy. If your parents are against it, and you're OK with waiting for a while- then perhaps you should wait. Either way, educate yourself. Be prepared to prepare your own healthy meals if necessary. With support and education there would be no harm in giving it a try at least. :)

So research it and make an educated decision.

p.s. don't skip english class anymore.

Its up to you but just think of all the hamburgers you'll never eat, all that crunchy bacon you trade in for celery...
Just dont regret it after makin the decion...
But hey as long as your happy.....;-)

not trying to offend anyone but i think being a vegetarian is stupid. why do you think God put animals on they earth? so that we can stare at them and think of how cute they are?!?! umm... no! they were put here to eat. anyways if you become a vegitarian you should have lots of supplments because meat gives you a bunch of vitamins and minerals that you cant get anywhere else. ps- if you think its cruel to eat animals then just eat chicken. we already kill the chick before they are born, we might as well eat them as adults.
if you become a vegitarian then you cant enjoy the wonderful, juicy, flavour of steak!!! haha i laugh at you!


No. You're insane. Come back to the other side before it's too late.

I'd wait, take your time, think about it. At 14 you have a lot more important things to do than fool around with diets and animal activism. There are your studies to develop your mind, learn as much as you can, you can volunteer at the local food shelves for instance... many human beings and their children are suffering, you have opportunities to socialize that would be made difficult if you were vegetarian. Most importantly, at your age you need a good developmental foundation so that physical problems will not occur later on in life. That comes through a well-balanced moderate diet, exercise and quiet times just meditating.

What you might do is to limit the amount of meat you eat. That will cause less fuss at home, you wouldn't compromise your health, you would be helping the animals and you wouldn't catch a lot of flack from your buddies.

Google "Flexitarian Diets" or "Flexitarian Vegetarians" and read some of the websites. See what you think, This is a great alternative to be both a vegetarian and to be healthy. PLUS it's a great way to built some muscles.

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