If i become a vegeterian will i lose weight?!
but even if i don't lose weight i still want to be a Vegeterian so how to do that??
also what are the set backs of being vegetarian?
(i heard some girls say it caused pain/cramps during that time of the month)
i know that if i go through with this i'll need to substitute my sources of protein and iron... what are the best sources (i head of milk, nuts and what else?)
and please give me tips on how not to give up and go back to eating meat!!
Answers: i've heard some people say that they lost weight when they became vegeterians... is that true?
but even if i don't lose weight i still want to be a Vegeterian so how to do that??
also what are the set backs of being vegetarian?
(i heard some girls say it caused pain/cramps during that time of the month)
i know that if i go through with this i'll need to substitute my sources of protein and iron... what are the best sources (i head of milk, nuts and what else?)
and please give me tips on how not to give up and go back to eating meat!!
It really depends what you're eating... you could live off of french fries and cake and that would be vegetarian, but it wouldn't be healthy. I do know a lot of people who lost weight when they went vegetarian, though. My friend lost 30 pounds and his mom was so jealous that she went veg too and lost a lot of weight.
See this site for tips on making the transition to vegetarianism:
Basically, find fake meats you like and use them instead of the meat in your favorite foods / recipes. Some of my favorites are Tofurkey Deli Slices, Nate's Meatless Meatballs, and Boca Chik'n Patties. There's a list of good faux meats here: http://vegcooking.com/guide-favs.asp
Fake meats have a lot of protein. Other veg sources of protein are: almonds, black beans, brown rice, cashews, garbanzo beans (chickpeas), kidney beans, lentils, lima beans, peanut butter, pinto beans, seitan, soybeans, soymilk, sunflower seeds, textured vegetable protein (TVP), and tofu.
Veg sources of iron:
Black beans, bran flakes, cashews, Cream of Wheat, garbanzo beans (chickpeas), GrapeNuts, kidney beans, lentils, navy beans, oatmeal, pumpkin seeds, raisins, soybeans, soymilk, spinach, sunflower seeds, tofu, tomato juice, whole wheat bread
Here are some tips about not giving up: http://www.tryveg.com/cfi/toc/?v=06tips
If you're going veg for the animals, it helps to watch videos to remind yourself why it's so important to stay vegetarian. Here's a good video: http://www.chooseveg.com/animal-cruelty.... (warning: graphic)
Hope this helps. Good luck!!
As long as you don't compensate with heavy carbs like french fries......etc you will probably lose weight
I did. I lost 60 pounds, though I gained it back slowly by eating the wrong foods. I'm a mission to lose again, but weight isn't why I became vegetarian. Anyway, yes, if done well, you will lose weight. Spinach is a wonderful source of iron, as are beans. I haven't had worse cramps, and I have been vegetarian for 7 years.
No, I've been a vegetarian for a year now and I haven't lost weight since then.
But you'll need to eat some protein to make up for not eating meat or you'll be unhealthy.
Peanut butter is a good protein.
And the cramps are the same as when you do eat meat.
And a tip...think of a cute baby pig playing in mud...then a year later hes on your plate.
I find it sad. :(
You don't really have to do much substitution as a vegetarian if you continue to eat cheese or drink milk. Milk is like liquid meat. It's vegans that really need to watch out. Heck, I'm lactose intolerant and vegetarian, and I'm fine. If you wanna be sure you're OK, you can just take a multivitamin.
I did lose some weight, but I think the lactose intolerance was more the cause (went from 4 ice cream cones and 2 shakes a day to nothing). I also don't eat french fries. If you ate a lot of greasy hamburgers and you switch to lots of salads and fresh fruit and grilled veggies (not fried zucchini), you'll probably lose weight.
There are lots of other foods that you can eat being a vegiterian myself. You have to eat thing like tofu, soy, and lots of beans to stay healthy. If you don't like these foods you might want to rethink being a vegiterian.
Vegetarianism doesnt have set backs, unless you view not eating meat as a set back. There are plenty of vegetarian options at any grocery store. Soy/ veggie burgers, fake chicken, tempeh, couscous, rice, beans, textured vegetable protein, ... these are just a few of the options of starches and grains to fill up on without consuming animals, not to mention the variety of fruits and vegetables and herbs to munch on. I wouldnt become vegetarian based on weight loss. If you want to weigh less, start exercising, which can be as simple as walking more, which would take away the pain of cramps... which are not caused by being a vegetarian. If you need tips on why not to give up your vegetarianism, maybe you havent clearly thought of the reasons why you want to be vegetarian. Becoming a vegetarian should be based on the sole fact that you dont want to eat meat anylonger, not because of your friends, your parents or significant other... or a diet fad! If you dont like meat... dont eat it, that's what it takes.
plenty of green leafy veggies. nuts, berries, seeds are also great. lentils. carbs like bread, pasta (wholemeal is better), salads, fruit. if u like things like buckwheat and amaranth they are great sources of protein. and contain all the essental amino acids (ones your body can not make) as well as many non essental.
Silverbeat for iron. aswell as a lot of other vegies.
a good olive oil when cooking is great to use and you need some oils. linsead oil (flack seed) is also good for the omega oils
Some people lose weight some dont it depends. If your current diet is full of high carb or high oil/fats now and you switch to a healthyer veggie based diet you probably will. weight loss is when you eat less energy then you sue to for the same amount of exerise (or if you incresase exersise and eat the same) if you eat healthy when not vegetarian then you will lose little wiehgt if any just look at your total kj now and what they would be if you swiched to a healthy vegetarian diet and if there is a significant diferenc then you would probable loose some weight combined with exersise.
As for the cramps i can not comment and i have personaly not known anyone with such problems. the only side effects are when you dont eat a balanced diet and watch your iron levels especaly if you are female (which im guessing you are from the question)
About 2 months after turning vegetarian it would be worth going to the doctor and getting them to test for as many things as they can that you get from food and things diet can affect like triglycerides and cholesterol.
I personaly did not lose any weight but i was about 4 when i started.
Gl with your decision. A great way to not give up would be to do a bit of research and you would quickly find out how bad animals can be treated so people can eat them. If you enjoy the tast of meat or the texture try flax meats avalible at a lot of supermarkets and healtfood stores depending on where you live. If you get all your bloods checked before starting and you have high colestol or triglycerides or something else affected by diet or weight havening them checked and being much better a few months latter would also be good motivation
No one is perfect. take your time if you cant cut all meat out right away maby cut out a serve or 2 every week inceasing the amount untill you are nolonger eating it.
Only if you eat healthful food, and excersise each day. It's just like any other diet. I only lost 7 pounds, but that's probably because I was already at the average weight/
You'll lose it if you excercise and make healthly food choices. You can lose weight eating meat, too. I try to eat nuts soy burgers to help my protien intake. I also have protien bars. If you really like meat, suggest faux-meat. Morningstar makes really good stuff. Their chick patties taste like real chicken! Burger King and Subway both have very good vegetarian options. Denny's, Lyon's and Moo's Burger Barn all have veggie burgers. Boca burgers also taste really good, the only way you can tell they aren't meat is the slightly different texture. They are also low-fat.
Alot of people end up losing weight because they are eating healthier and less fast food.
Not necessarily, depends on lots of things.....
The only way to lose weight is for your body to metabolise (burn) more calories that you take in (through food or drink).
Vegitarians do tend to be somewhat thinner, but that is usually because they spend more time thinking about their food choices & have to exert a degree of eating discipline to remain vegitarian.
You will probably lose weight because you won't be able to eat most fast foods anymore. If you eat a good mix of vegetables, legumes, and grains (plus dairy products for non-vegans), you will get all of the protein you need. It is possible to gain weight as a vegetarian if you start eating too many things like mac & cheese, pizza, and quesadillas.
It depends how much you eat and if you exercises regularly. My weight remain the same. But I do eat more after becoming vegetarian.
I haven;t lost a pound, it really depends upon you all around lifestyle. I assure you it is entirely possible to eat a relatively unhealthy diet and be a vegetarian.
Never had an issue. Although I still do get the odd meat craving. That is why god invented the worlds best meatless meatballs.
Any sort of legumes are a great source of protein. i live of chick peas, lentils soy in all it wonderful and sometimes gelatinous forms.
If you don't want to go back, find yourself a really good fake meat I mean the taste will never be the same, however you can get some meatless products that taste a great deal like meat. Chow down on good veggie burger, or meatless meatball, heck they even have vegan sausage when you develop meat lust.
some lose weight some gain weight it all depends on your body chemistry there's no way to tell as far as I know! The majority is said to lose weight when they begin vegetarian diets but I suspect that is because they have insufficient knowledge on that! So their diet is insufficient! I gained weight after becoming vegetarian! You want a really good fake meat recipe see my blog
ca.360.yahoo.com/ddherbals! You can scroll down and see vegetarian recipes too and other stuff!
Well if your not eating meat and eating cakes and potato chips instead your probally gonna gain weight it depends how you eat.
If you become a vegetarian and eat good things like veggie burgers, tofu, beans, and lots of veggies and mostly excersize you will definetly lose plenty of weight
Just because you don't eat meat doesn't mean you will lose weight, that's just plain dumb. But before you decided to go cold turkey and not eat meat anymore, you need to talk to your doctor, because your body is used to eating meat and getting certain nuetraints from it, but totally stopping, you could make yourself sick.