Holy crap or carp?!
Answers: If you had a choice, would you choose holy crap, or a regular carp... I asked this before, but everyone thought I meant to put crap twice.
I would go with the carp. Carp when cooked correctly tastes pretty good.
The people that said crap must not understand that it could potentially be from a carnivore, therefore they would be eating post digested meat. I'll grab mine firsthand.
crap..this is a weird question!
weird questiono
Do you mean carp as in the fish? I am sorry I don't understand the question and what it has to do with Vegetarians or Vegans.
But if I had to choose I would choose crap because it is a major part of my personal dictionary.
holy crap!
crap and this is a stupid question
what????????? what the crap?
If you mean would I rather say holy crap or holy carp. Aaah, holy crap! If you mean would I rather eat crap or carp. Aaah, honestly neither, but if I had to choose, I'd say carp.
Carp tastes like crap. Yes I've tried both.
i am pretty sure carp is a fish so i would choose the other one
Carp never was holy in any faith, cows were once sacred, cats, stuff like that, so holy cow or holy cat. I do not believe crap was ever sacred to anyone except flexitarians.