Are booger edible?!
Answers: I teach first grade and yes they seem to be edible!!
Judging by the amount of booger eating morons Ive found here, Id have to say...undoubtedly...
You know they are anyway, anyone who says they've never done it must have never masturbated either.
Q: whats the difference between broccoli and boogers?
A: little kids dont like to eat broccoli.
Another vegetarian speaking from his intelligence!!!!!!!! if only he would've eaten more chicken , then maybe he could have been saved!!!!!!!!!!!You see, without the proper protein intake ones mental capacity quickly deteriorates to the point of eating gross food substitutes like mucus goblets and such!!!! he must be the kid brother of the guy who asked what poop tastes like the other day!!! Another causality of improper diet and vegetarian inbreeding!!!!!!
When will the madness stop!!!!!!!!!Beans have feelings too!!!!!
i was watching the learning channel once...and it had something on it about immune systems and stuff...and they said they there was an increase resistance to more viruses in a booger eating person than a non booger eating the boogers were something like a small vaccination that helped the body fight off things better...weird huh
Boogers are edible, but they aren't good for you. They are what keeps you from getting sick. When you breathe in bacteria and junk it sticks to your snot... eating it kind of foils the whole body's defense system plan.
xenicintelligence.... All the hormones and antibiotics in your chicken breasts must have finally eaten away at your brain. Not only is REDUCING meat consumption a way to prevent global warming (not increasing it!) but you're raving and ranting pure nonsense.