Aborigine? Aubergine?!
Answers: For the person who thought aborigine was a french word for eggplant, I think they are confusing this with aubergine. Are you dyslexic? An aborigine is a native person.
Great question!
Even though the word "aborigine", generally pertains to the native people of Australia, it can also used in relationship to other native people(s), ex. - the aboriginal tribes of Native Americans, Africans, Pacific Islands and others, as the asker indicated in her last comment.
It simply means native people, who have been in a particular place from the beginning.
Aren't they Australian natives.
Lol. Thanks, Miss French to English Dictionary :o)
amen sister! give aborigines, the first people of Australia, some respect!
An unfortunate, but rather funny malapropism.
Although a slang corruption of the Italian word for eggplant (melanzana) is sometimes use to refer to a dark-skinned person. Definite NOT "PC".