What's the best way to cook a Boca Burger?!
Answers: Specifically, the vegan kind. I usually just cook them in the microwave, but they taste better fried cause they get crispy that way. Problem is, they always want to stick to the pan and make a mess. Am I doing something wrong? Should I fry them straight from the freezer, or let them thaw first? Any help is much appreciated. :)
EEEEWWWW i hate them in a microwave cause they get all soggy. Put em in a pan and fry those puppies, add a little butter so it wont stick
i microwave them.
I put my veggie burgers on my George Foreman grill, and that works just fine.
I don't thaw them at all. If you want to use a fry-pan, do use a bit of oil so it won't stick.
If they are sticking to the pan, just add a bit of oil or nonstick cooking spray (basically soybean oil in a spray can) to the pan before cooking them. Also, make sure you don't use too high of a heat setting - Boca burgers are already "cooked", so all you are doing is heating them up. I never use anything higher than medium heat.
Microwave or toaster oven on medium works best. However, without a lot of condiments, the box they came in will taste infinitely better than the burgers themselves.
Olive oil, if you're eating the vegan ones because you're vegan. Otherwise, butter makes things nice and brown and delicious. Your choice! Now I'm hungry....