Weight-loss and vegitarians?!
so are you a fat or a thin veggie and did eating meat change this?
Answers: Hey i just want to know can you lose weight if you become a veggie?? Cos i've heard all different stories of people losing and gaining weight from cutting out meat from their diets
so are you a fat or a thin veggie and did eating meat change this?
I'm a thin veggie, well vegan actually. The biggest change in my weight was going from vegetarian to vegan as I cut out all the cakes and stuff that people brought into work. People going from meat eater to vegetarian often panic a bit about protein so go mad for cheese and milk forgetting about pulses, nuts and other good sources of protein. Dairy products contain colesterol and trans-fatty acids so can cause weight gain if you go too mad on them which is why some people experience a bit of weight gain. The other thing of course is that things like cakes are mostly veggie so aren't off limits so some people find themselves snacking a lot.
I would say, in my experience, that balance is the key and ensuring that you exercise regularly, drink plenty of water and eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruit and veg you'll do fine.
I don't claim veganism is the only way to loose weight or the right way for everyone, it's just something that works for me.
Take care, and don't let losing weight be your main motivation for making the choice, make it about three things - People (you and those around you), the Animals, the environment (the reduction in your carbon footprint will be huge as soon as you stop eating meat).
I'm the same weight as a veggie as I was before. You can lose weight if you're a veggie, but it depends what kind of veggie you are - I don't particularly like vegetables so I tend to eat a lot of carbs which keeps my weight up..
it depends on your lifestyle, if you do heavy work, or anything which demands the body to go through extreams then you'll loose weight, but if you become a vegi, then you might notice a slight change, but you;ll put it back on after a while.
you wont notice a change being a vegi, only being abit more healtier. only way to find out is to try it.
Yes. Unless you replace meat with junk food which happens to be veggie. Use common sense.
im vegetarian.
beware: at first i gained some weight (not a lot)
and then after like a month, i lost it and i think 3 lbs less. not a difference. I do it cause i hate the taste of meat not for losing weight.
I have been a vegetarian for over 20 years now since I was 13 and I have had a weight problem occasionally over the years. Doesn’t matter what you eat i.e. meat or if you are a vegetarian or vegan. If you don’t eat sensibly, you will put on weight. Follow a healthy diet and exercise regularly.
i gained, but that was because i went crazy with pasta and cheese
I have always been slender so being vegan didn't really change anything, but then, I eat a balanced diet and I exercise. I think that's the key to weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight, period.
Vegetarianism isn't a cure-all for being overweight. The only way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you take in.
There have been studies that showed vegetarians can consume more calories than omnivores and maintain weight. Also, vegetarians, when surveyed, were generally thinner than omnivores. However, it is entirely person-to-person.
You can be heavy as a vegetarian, it's easy to simply replace all the meat in your diet with the same unhealthy "vegetarian" counterpart - like corn dogs for Morning Star veggie corn dogs, etc.
I would certainly encourage cutting back on or eliminating meat from your diet (being vegan myself), I think it would be healthier for your body, and it will be good for the environment and for animals in general. However, will it make you lose weight? That entirely depends.
No matter what, you need to be active and exercise. You can eat as much as you want if you exercise enough to burn it off.
well if you change from meat to veggie than you will loss weight, as same thing happen to me, and i have losty plenty weight
I put on shed loads of weight when i went veggie 17 years ago, but i made the mistake of substituting meat with loads of cheese and eggs. These days veggie substitutes generally v good for being healthy, especially quorn products. which are pretty much all really low in fat and calories. the sausages are only about 60 kcals each, which is much less than meat ones. so i was a fat veggie, and now i'm a thin (ish) one. (still no calorie free chocolate invented why?)
Not necesarily.All depends upon your calorific intake/activity levels.Oven roasted veg covered in olive oil has loads more than grilled chicken for example.Just use a bit of commom sense.
I lost a little bit of weight but i think that was just because my fat content went down. I ate a lot of cheese, pasta and eggs instead so my weight stayed pretty average. I do feel healthier since becoming veggie though and i've been veggie for 3 years.
I've lost about 10 pounds since I stopped eating meat 2.5 months ago, but I credit that to an all-around-improved diet, not necessarily just cutting out meat. I think out of the general population, vegetarians tend to be thinner, for the same reason - attention to what they consume!
That depends on what you eat.
personally, i always loved vegetables and fruits and healthy stuff, i sometimes just go n a junk food crash that was before i still do, i don't change my habits just cause i changed my diet im a vegetarian and it doesn't limit me from eating what i always like eating, it all depend on how your normal diet was, yes i lost some weight then it shifted back after awhile,m your body gets used to it.
If you're a big fast food eater and you cut out meat, you're probably going to lose some weight (I'm down 25 pounds). If you're already eating pretty well then cutting out meat probably won't make a huge difference on its own.
i'm a fat veggie. i've always been fat. i love my tatties.
it depends what you EAT.
sure you can cut everything out, but you can still eat the sweets and stuff, making you gain weight
Well I used to be a fairly big meat-eater, but when I became a veggie lost loads of weight. I'm quite thin now...
Becoming totally changed my life as it made me happier and healthier in myself.
I'm pretty big. Nah, I'm actually pretty FAT! lol
I live on potatoes, pasta, and bread stuffs.
Simply excluding meat from your diet wont determine if you become skinny or huge - your overall calorie intake, and level of calorific expenditure (activity) will.