What is isinglass?!
Answers: Acooding to my cookbook it is found in alchol and veggies can't have it.
It is a substance derived from fish that is used to filter some alcohols, particularly wines. They don't actually leave the isinglass in the alcohol, they just use it in the filtering process. So a regular old vegetarian could drink alcohol filtered with isinglass, but a stricter vegan would probably avoid it as much as possible.
Since it is used as a filtering agent, and not as an ingredient, it's not listed on ingredient labels. So the only way to be sure is (1) to contact the wine manufacturer and ask, or (2) to only buy wines that specificially brag about being unfiltered.
Prior to the inexpensive production of gelatin and other competitive products, isinglass was used in confectionery and desserts such as fruit jelly and blancmange.
(A product like gelatin basically)
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