Insulted abused I don't shove my beliefs on anyone?!

Question: so why do meat eaters (generaly ) feel they have to be so prejudeced when anyone asks about a vegetarian diet
I know the facts but unless someone asks me to be specific I wont be dragged into the arguement
we all have a choice and I choose not to eat meat simple as that
so come on can we debate this without trading insults

Answers: so why do meat eaters (generaly ) feel they have to be so prejudeced when anyone asks about a vegetarian diet
I know the facts but unless someone asks me to be specific I wont be dragged into the arguement
we all have a choice and I choose not to eat meat simple as that
so come on can we debate this without trading insults

shut it ! grass muncher! only joking you are cool

I agree with you even though I am a true omnivore.

I don't know what meat eaters you speak to,but I, and my like minded fellow meat eater friends,would never dream of abusing or insulting anyone who chooses to be a vegetarian.

I know! tell me about it!
& the questions they tend to ask....!
and then there always like "i dont eat much meat -just chicken and fish and blkoasjdwodjw" you know what i mean??
and the best question of all is "what exactly do you eat then?" -as if theres nothing else but meat on this planet!

ha i think we all get abit annoyed!

x x x x

I simply tell people that a.) I'm a vegetarian (I don't want to eat animals), b.) I don't want to get into a debate/argument, and c.) yes, I know I have to buy certain products made of animals (like my boots which contain leather because I can't find any synthetic boots in my size - I have big feet). If they start going on about eating meat, I just shrug and give a sweet "OK, believe whatever you want to believe" smile, and leave it at that. This world isn't perfect, but I am still able to sleep at night.

I had that all the time with people,especially the Dutch when I lived there,they'd start an arguement about it.In the end I just say I don't like the taste to shut them up.

The same can be said for vegetarians against meat eaters but as a meat eater (well, poultry not red meat) I have no problem with vegetarians, each their own eh?!

One of my co-workers came up to me after a potluck and asked me why I didn't try a certain dish. I told her I was a vegetarian. She exclaimed, "I didn't know you were a vegetarian!" To which I replied, "Well, I don't wear a T-shirt advertising that fact." And that's the thing. I don't advertise it, I don't promote it, and I certainly wouldn't want anyone to change their dietary habits because of me. It is a really personal decision, and I don't begrudge anyone else if they make another decision. Whatever. Don't take the bait! People can make up their own minds.

Well, i am a meat eater, but I don't see why anyone would want to insult you for NOT being one. do they think its some kind of religion or something??? you must join us!!!! really, I say if you don't want to eat meat don't, if you do, then go for it. the ones who are nasty and rude are just ignorant, and looking to start an argument, ignore them, its really all you can do

Of course there should be no insults! It's your choice, and nobody else's business.

You aren't going to get any peace saying only one side is to blame. Both sides are rude and insulting.

I totally know what you mean. Not that i go round announcing i dont eat meat, as if its a big deal, when it does happen to come up in a conversation they act as if youve just personally insulted them.
Its because they imagine that by you saying"I don't eat Meat" your actually saying "you eat meat- your cruel"

I know this is a bit of a silly comparison, but if you said to someone, "my boyfriend is swedish" and there response was " i'd never go out with a swedish person" you might takie it the wrong way, and think they were insulting your boyfriend.
The most common questions are
Do you eat fish? to which i can smugly reply NO
What do you eat then?

Next time someone says something like that or asks you why or says "we need meat to survive" just say you rather not eat a dead carcuss that has lived a life of pain and suffering. THAT A GOOD ENOUGH REASON FOR YOU???

you have your right not to eat meat . I have my right to love Big Macs

They probably insult vegetarians because they feel they are being judged. They may be assuming that a vegetarian will claim moral superiority because they aren't 'murderers of innocent animals.'
There are just as many vegetarians that do that as there meat eaters who insult vegetarians.

Personally, I despise vegetarians who think meat is murder. It's a personal choice but I'm not going to be made to feel bad for eating meat. Eating meat is natural and normal. Animals do it in the wild, it's all part of the circle of life. Are lions and tigers murderers?

Point is, keep the politics to yourself.

That being said, I could easily be a vegetarian since I love fruits and vegetables. I could live off of cream of brocolli soup alone. I could never eat meat again and not even notice but it wouldn't be for political reasons.
(I'd never be a pure vegan though. Those soy 'imitation cheese' and 'imitation milk' products are nasty)

I am a meat eater but I have no problems with vegetarians. I can understand why people choose not to eat it and thats fine. Everyone has their own rights and is entitled to do what they wish!

A couple of my friends actually try and catch me out about my vegetarianism even though I don't preach to them to become vegetarian merely defend my beliefs when they attack me. I sometimes feel it gets turned around the other way, because I defend my choices and they see it as me telling them to become vegetarian when merely I am defending my own choice. For example, the other day I was wearing a fake leather jacket (all my shoes are fake leather too) and they started ranting at me, saying how I won't eat meat but I'll wear leather, and I said "It's fake, which just shows you that you can't even tell the difference so why buy real leather when fake is cheaper too?" and then they turned it around on me saying I was always going on at them even though I never have except when she purposely antagonises me, I mean I can't just let people walk all over my beliefs right?However, many of my friends are very supportive even though they eat meat, but now and again I encounter someone who, as soon as they find out, calls me stupid for my lifestyle choice. I respect other peoples lifestyle choices but only when they have the courtesy to respect my own.

my mother in law and neice are veggies. i am meat eater, but love my veg as much as the meat on the plate. and there are many days when i dont eat meat at all. what you eat is a personal choice. why does it matter to any one else what you do or dont eat.

Most vegetarian people are just fine with me, it is the militant vegetarian people that throw a fit about me not choosing to be a vegetarian that I have no qualm with cutting down at the knee.

What exactly would you like us to debate?
I enjoy a good debate!
Usually debates focus around one statement....?

You are just causing more fuss.

Meat eaters in general are bad people, not all, just most. If they are so heartless that they kill animals, then you can't expect much out of them as far as morals go.

NOBODY should be abused for their beliefs. I eat meat but love cooking for my veggie friends, I'm always on here asking if this or that menu would be okay for them! If somebody feels so threatened by your refusal to eat meat, smile sweetly and refuse to be drawn futher into their futile arguments!

I couldn't agree with you more, but some people would cause a fight in an empty house!

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