Are honey nut cheerios completely vegan?!
is is actually honey or is it just fake flavoring? i guess what i wanna know is if it is completely and totally vegan?
Answers: i was just thinking about that. i don't use regular chapstick because of the bee's wax, and i don't eat honey. then today i was like, DUH! it's called HONEY nut cheerios.
is is actually honey or is it just fake flavoring? i guess what i wanna know is if it is completely and totally vegan?
No, it has real honey in it, it says so in the ingredients. The easiest way to make sure things are or are not vegan are to just turn the box or bag or sack or whatever around and read the ingredients list... and of course if you aren't sure there are web pages that list ingredients by name and decipher which are and which are not vegan, like this one:
no it has honey and I beliive it has added vitamin D from animal sources
omg.... honey is not made from's made from a byproduct of bees processing pollen...
so what's the problem ?
btw... almost everything you eat has some degree of insect parts in it....especially fruits and vegetables.
It is virtually impossible to eat a tomato without eating fruit fly larvae.
It's real honey - but I honestly do not understand the freak out factor over honey. More bugs are killed/injured walking, driving, or many other ways than in making honey. If people didn't keep bee hives there would be few if any honeybees left (look up varroa mite sometime - this mite wiped out wild honeybees but the ones kept by beekeepers are sprinkled with a repellant so the bees don't get the mite). It seems to me the honey thing is just a technicality because it's technically "from an animal." I mean, bugs get killed harvesting vegetables and stuff too - more than get killed in honey. If you love honey nut cheerios they are certainly more healthy than a lot of the sugar sweetened cereals so don't sweat it.
no they are not
Its made with real honey, or so they say....i dont always believe company that are just out to make money. But idk why its so wrong if it is real honey,it doesn't hurt the bees. But cell phones might.
Yep...real honey, plus their fried in lard, a pig fat!
...And, latest report, better stop drinking water, 'cause wild animals do their do do near streams that feed reservoirs!
It doesn't matter.
If you like them - go ahead and EAT them.
Nope.It has honey.Vegans don't eat honey or any animal by products(milk,eggs,butter)
It has honey, but some wannabe vegans eat it anyway. True vegans eat only natural cereals gathered from the fields and roasted in small batches.
Vegans don't eat honey.
vegan.conman---true vegans don't use computers do they?