Do vegetarians eat chicken eggs?!
Answers: Because eating a chicken fetus is the same thing as eating an animal.
it's not a chicken fetus.. the eggs are unfertilized.. just like the eggs a 13 year old virgin girl sheds every month..
you cannot have life without both an egg AND a sperm.. A chicken who never sees a rooster in her life will still lay eggs regularly...
Yes. The eggs they eat are unfertilized. Now you've been educated. How does that feel?
adam--your post is funny!
Holy those peeps were mean .. you were asking a simple question!! .. it depends why they are vegetarians..if its because they dont like meat then yes they eat eggs.. if it is because they dont like eatting animals..then no ..some do not.. they can eat peanutbutter and such for their protien
It's only an animal if it was fertilized. If it wasn't, than it's technically just an animal cell. Stores only sell unfertilized eggs.
Some vegetarians do, some don't. An unfertilized egg is an animal byproduct, just like milk (and silk and wool clothing).
Some vegetarians just don't eat meat - milk doesn't kill the cow, so they drink milk. Wool doesn't kill the sheep - they wear wool sweaters. As long as the animal is alive, and isn't harmed - than it's byproducts are fine to use/consume.
Other vegetarians refuse to consume anything animal. Milk came from the cow, so they don't drink it. Eggs came from the chicken, they don't eat them. To my understanding, one of the main reasons is that animals raised for milk/eggs/fabric/whatever aren't necessarily raised in the best conditions.
There are different vegetarian diets. While Veganism and Lacto Vegetarianism exclude eggs, Lacto-ovo Vegetarianism and Ovo Vegetarianism include them.
I've been a veggie 9 years, and just stopped eating eggs because a friend pointed it out to me that if you look in the yolk, you'll find an umbillical cord, etc.
All veg's are different, but it makes sense to me that both milk and eggs are forms of meat. There are so many forms of protein, you could live without eggs
It depends on if they are pro-choice or not. If they believe life begins at conception then they wouldn't eat an egg. If they believe that an embryo isn't a life yet then they would eat it. After all the chicken just left it in the nest for any old Farmer Brown to come pick it up - it was her choice as a woman.
chicken eggs are not a fetus! that's such a common misconception, chicken lay eggs every day as if it were a menstral cycle if i must put it that way, they DO NOT have baby chicks in them. Farmers know wether or not it's just an egg or a chick waiting to hatch
there is no fetus, as the eggs are not fertilized
humans need animal proteins (amino acids) in their diet.
It's just yolk and white, a bunch of cells. Eggs are not, and never were, alive. Just like plants and apples have cells, so do eggs. But some vegetarians stay away from dairy products anyway (vegans.) Vegetarians who eat eggs but not other meat are ovo-vegetarians.
Yes.I did but not anymore.It seems too much like a chickens period and I can't bring myself to eat that.
Vegans do not eat chicken eggs, but some vegetarians (Ovo or Lacto-Ovo vegetarians) do eat them. The chicken eggs people eat do not have fetal chicks inside them. The chickens that lay these eggs are not exposed to roosters, and thus the eggs cannot be fertilized. An unfertilized egg from a chicken is just like an unfertilized egg in a human woman--it needs to meet up with sperm from the male of the species in order for a fetus to be formed.
Some vegeterian they eat the eggs, but some don't, got some also drink the milk and the cheese, just depend on u...........
Yes, we eat eggs. Some vegetarians don't eat eggs though.
I hope I helped!!!!!!!=]
They shouldn't, unfertilized eggs are not from free range chickens. Organic eggs aren't either.
A vegetarian does not eat any type of eggs. I am a complete vegetarian from last 27 years....and i have not eat a single egg in my life....we only eat fruits, vegetables, grains...
*sigh* How old are you? A vast majority of conventional eggs, unless specified, are unfertilized. They are chicken PERIODS, not chicken fetuses.
That said, it depends on what kind of vegetarian the person is. Lacto-ovo and ovo vegetarians eat them. Lacto-vegetarians, strict vegetarians, and vegans choose not to.
Vegetarians dont eat eggs because it is a living cell as they feel inspite of the fact that it does not have life
The people who eat eggs but no meat are call eggetarians
And there are also people who feel that milk is also from blood and should not consume,
These are vegetarians and the people who consume milk and milk products are now called - Lacto-vegetarians