Is it possible to support PETA and NOT be vegan/vegetarian?!
Answers: It seems pretty impossible to me.
You can be whatever you choose to be but it's kind of a contradiction. There really is no ethical or humane way to kill something. It's still murdering an animal just so you can have a steak. You also might want to do some research on PETA before you decide to support them.
I wouldn't think so either, although you can be a vegan w/out supportin PeTA...kind of like being a jew without practicing judaism.
Of course. You can be for the ethical treatment of animals and still eat them.
Maybe. You could keep halal or kosher and insist upon only eating meat that has been blessed and prayed for prior to its death.
Yes. An animal can be raised ethically and humanely and still be consumed.
I'm sure it is. I mean, you can support some of the things they do and not other things.
I'm vegan, but I do not support most of PETA practices. I only support the ethical treatment of animals.
nothings wrong with trying to help, being a vegan just means you try really hard to help animals
Just like not all vegetarians are peta members. They have nothing to do with each other, which is why it's annoying when people use them synonymously.
Thats a tough question.. I would say you could if you wanted to but people might call you a hypocrat : / (or hipocrit whatever lol)
yes but no...but yes give money..keep your mind can still help with money.
Not really.. Thats like being against the war and joining the Army. I suggest taking a look at PeTA tv and watching the segment on meet your meat. It is very eye opening. Is there really a humane way to kill an animal.. Should something with a face have to die for you to eat..
I wouldn't want to be a meat-eater at a PETA event...
You can support PETA's campaigns related to animal testing, circuses, fur, spaying/neutering, etc. and not be a vegetarian or vegan. It's hypocritical to care about the ethical treatment of animals and still eat meat, but it's not impossible.
Yes, visit any nearby livestock farms and slaughterhouses...(it's not wrong visiting there anyway), observe things that deviating the law, ethics and religious. You may launch complaints to churches, relevant authorities or petition to PETA. Obviously everyone (either meater or vegers) gratified to do this, for the price that they pay. We are not “typical” end user, but caring community.