What candy should I not eat (I'm vegetarian)?!
Answers: I've been a vegetarian for a while, but I never really thought about all the food items that have gelatin and rennet in them! Can someone tell me all the candy I shouldn't eat?
Your question gave me a sweet tooth!
I'm eating a 'so delicious' mint chocolate ice cream sandwich right now (vegan). Mmmm.
The most helpful list of what you can eat:
http://www.petakids.com/candy.html The list is extremely mainstream, but fun. If you live near any type of natural food store or a Trader Joe's, you'll find so many other types of veg-friendly candy that aren't on that list. I don't eat mainstream candy, but I do eat a good amount of chocolate, sans the dairy.
I couldn't find a list of what to avoid. I'm used to checking labels and I've been doing it for over a decade so I tend to know what I like to eat rather than focusing on what I won't.
I hope these websites help you!
Pretty much anything with gelatin. Like skittles or starburst...there is more...
Yeah anything with gelatin. Most jelly lollies have gelatin like jelly snakes and jelly babies and stuff. There is gelatin free candy out there so just browse around and buy candy that is clearly label "gelatin free". You can go to a vegetarian/vegan grocery store and they usually have candy to choose from. Also stay away from cheese with animal rennet.. so when you're buying cheese look on the back (or front) and check for rennet free.
Lambsicle sticks or chewy chocolate cow chunks!
If your vegan, can you eat swedish fish or gummi bears or worms? What about animal crackers?
You wont find rennet in candy (unless its er, cheese candy)!
Boiled sweets and soft sweets both may have gelatin in them.
Just gotta read the labels on everything!
another ingredient noone else has mentioned is Carmine (aka cochineal or E120) - this is made from squished insects and makes a bright red colour.
I think its illegal now in the USA though, Im in the UK where they still like to put it in everything
theres a brand called "mars" they test it on animals and it kills them. their brand is made up of m&ms, skittles, and most of the chocolet candy. if u go to peta2.com you could find a whole list of stuff.
and dont u mean vegan? vegaterians dont eat meat/eggs.
vegans dont eat any animal products