Who is this Ashley and why does everybody hate her?!
I found this question
and I want to know why everybody hates her? What did she do?
Answers: I recently became a vegetarian a little over a month ago.
I found this question
and I want to know why everybody hates her? What did she do?
Ashley's not a real person, it's a fictional character.
There's more than 5 or 6 different "Ashley" ID's - if you look, sometimes another Ashley will answer, usually with a rude comment like "we should protest" or something like that.
It's someone that just wants to make fun of vegans and the vegan lifestyle. Ashley's previous Q and A are all about very crazy, random scenarios. The questions are all inventive. The Ashley character describes herself as a radical vegan that converts anyone she gets her hands on, spies on her neighbors, protests in front of every building she can find... it's basically a caricature of a vegan, a gross, unfunny exagerration.
I would compare it to a racist having a fake ID called Blacky McBlackerson and posting rude, demeaning comments about blacks in the Culture and Groups area, or an Anti-Semitic jerk having a fake ID named Jewson Davidson and posting rude, demeaning questions that make fun of being Jewish in Religion and Spirituality.
It's just a joke that's gone on for MONTHS, and that has gone through more than 6 different ID's... the Ashley character is running out of material, she's been using questions she asked previously, just copy and pasting and re-asking them. The one you linked to was asked a few months ago.
You go Maggie! In other words, she is right on the mark!
Makes me upset though, because I have answered some of those "Ashley" questions with alot of sincerity and the time I put into those answers. Now, I am smarter thanks to you. I won't waste my time next time.
He/she is a troll. I don't hate her/him. It's one of those people that gets off on people's angry posts is all.
Maggie hit the nail on the head. "Ashley" is just a troll who keeps plaguing the V&V section. Everytime I spot an "Ashley" I just block her, so that her questions show up with a big red mark beside them. I don't even read them now. I, too, have seriously answered a couple of her questions, before I knew she was a troll.
People don't like trolls, she seemed like a troll.
she's a waste of time don't answer her questions
lol The Ashleys are a bunch of trolls (there are others, too, that go by different names.) They're omnivores who pretend to be vegans and post the most annoying, holier-than-thou questions and answers to further perpetuate the myth that all vegetarians are nutjobs.