Why do parents force their kids to eat meat when eating meat is immoral?!
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why is eating meat immoral?
Fact: Aphids can give birth 10 days after being born themselves.
I don't believe in forcing anyone to eat something they find repulsive. Younger people burn more calories from fat than older folks, so more protein and fat need to be consumed. Not to say meat cannot be replaced by peanuts, fish, soy, etc. for protein consumption. They are probably just concerned about the health and well-being of their child. As we mature it is possible to offer alternative foods to replace those we detest. Nothing proves that meat is bad for you. everything you eat should be in moderation not excess. Whose morals are you referring to, and what is their basis?
It may be immoral to you but it isn't to most people.
Parents shouldn't force any food on their kids if they do not like it.
At the same time they should not ban a food group on their kids if it is because of their personal beliefs.
Religious beliefs would be acceptable to me to ban a food.
immoral to you, but to others it is survival....my parents didn't force me i love meat, and now as an adult and a parent my daughter asks for meat all the time i have to force her to eat fruits and vegetables, i guess i remember my mom making me eat my peas...not my meat. try some it might help your out look on things.
Many people don't like others to be vegetarian because it makes them feel guilty. So they try to push others to eat meat, that way it's justified in their minds because everyone is doing it.
So will you forbid your kids from eating it even if they like it?
why do you think eating meat is immoral and eating trees aren't?
they are both living and are killed to feed anyone who eats it/them.
And if taking it from your point of view; your parents made choices for you, until you were able to make choice for yourself so you must have done something immoral as a child, or keep doing it now because you were raise that way.
***Just saying***
it is not immoral, has been done since beginning of time, and why are you trying to force your opinion......
Eating meat is NOT immoral in many people's opinions and you are ignorant to think that it is, just because it is your opinion.
There is a thing called the food chain, we have teeth called canines and many people prefer to use them in the way they were intended to be used.
There is nothing wrong with being vegetarian but there is nothing immoral about eating meat either.
If you are going to preach about the benefits of vegetarianism at least preach about how it is more efficient than eating meat as it provides more of the suns energy than a steak would coming from a cow who has used the energy from the vegetation it ate to move around. And how the energy from eating nothing but vegetables it put to more good use than low energy from meat.
Learn yer facts!
This question was very rude. I hate self righteous vegetarians. You eat your delicious vegetable stir fry (yum), and I will eat my delicious BACON (believe it or not, equally as yum).
It'll put hairs on yer chest!
P.S Parents give their children meat as... People need meat.
It's better to get yer daily goodness from meat than it is from fancy pills in fancy bottles from fancy shops. Which they probably test on animals anyway somehow. Long live protein!
Eating meat isn't immoral, that's just your opinion. Do all carnivorous animals go to hell?
There are certain amino acids which are essential to proper growth and development, which can only be found in meat and tofu, so if you can't get your kids to eat either of these things, they'll get sick. If you go veggie, you need to be careful about it. Dramatically cutting out an entire food group isn't necessarily a good idea.
Surely it's far more morally dubious to give your kids sweets, chocolate, sugary drinks and ready-meals? Giving them cola is like giving them crack.
I wouldn't call it immoral, but you hear of kids and teens who want to be vegetarian, but parents won't let them and some even try and sneak meat into their food. Personally I don't understand the psychos....
It might be immoral for you to eat meat, but it's not to me, so why shouldn't I let my kids eat meat?
I wouldn't call it immoral, why is it immoral? Children should be given the choice and they can make their own minds up
Well some people may have different views on meat. Meat is very high in protein. I mean I do agree that eating meat is immoral, but not all people think that. I dont think it really bothers the kids to much that they are eating meat.
Do you realize that is has been estimated that over 150,000 children died of starvation yesterday? What did you do to help them?
What I find immoral is that you are more concerned about animals than you are about your fellow human beings.
fact is people wont educate themselves on just how unhealthy meat is, they still believe its full of healthy protein and rubbish like that. they are too scared to find out exactly what they are feeding there kids. meat eaters are immoral and lazy and iv ben a vegan for yrs, my cats are vegan and any children i have will also be healthy vegans. one more thing we dont have to hunt for food anymore we can survive on a meat and dairy free diet
lol! eating meat is not immoral. where do veggie heads get this stuff, and I don't force my kids to eat any thing they love the stuff, if they didn't they wouldn't eat it.
they do it just to piss you off. :)
gomanyes gave a great answer. I felt bad for humanity seeing he had 5 thumbs down and 0 up(I gave him the 1).
THINK about it people. In 2008, we know that junk food is really bad...kids now have all sorts of health problems, including cancer! I think that peoples lifestyles in the last few hundred years are catching up with them(past on threw the genes). We also know that meat has many un-healthy properties.
So parents aren't giving them meat for nutritional reasons. So it's psycological. Some people become alcoholics to justify an alcoholic parent. I think it's similar to parents feeding their kids the way they eat.
WHERE did you get the idea eating meat is immoral???? unhealthy, yes, but IMMORAL????