Im not sure if i wanna be a veggie anymore?!
Answers: should i be like, whatever and eat anything, or take it gradually and eat fish and maybe chicken.. i don't know, i don't really feel like going out and eating a hamburger but i'm not sure if i wanna be a vegetarian anymore! (i've been veggie for 4 1/2 years).
Firstly, don't let anyone influence your decision. It's yours to make- your body, your mind. Yeah when I was a staunch vegetarian teenager I was very in-your-face about it, but it only ever gets peoples backs up, (I've had the vegetarian argument soooo many times) and VERY rarely will you get a meat eater to listen without thinking you're a freak. I didn't eat ANY meat for 10 yrs, then decided to eat fish. (my reasons were that if I thought I could bring myself to kill it, I'll eat it; I don't eat anything else. Plus the way I see it, fish have a pretty free life too; but they're MY reasons, not everyone will agree I'm sure).
If you're in two minds about it, maybe ask yourself why you feel like eating that hamburger? Is it just that you're sick of the old vegetarian food? If so that can be easily combated by learning to cook. Or is it that your beliefs have changed? They can, nothing's set in stone.
Don't know if that's any help, but I hope you're happy with your decision, whichever way you go.
I hit the same point when I became anemic.
I would suggest going with chicken and fish, first. Beef is something to ease into. I found, after 3 years of vegetarianism that beef sort of tasted like crap, at first, but once I started eating other meats, I was able to enjoy the flavour again.
I think the body just needs a lighter introduction back to meat proteins after long stints of not consuming it.
Take it slow...and good luck...
I would suggest easing back into it. After not eating meat for 4.5 years it will take a toll on your body if you switch over full force. I've heard it can cause bad stomach aches, cramping, and a lot of running to the restroom.
watch a video taken inside a factory farm first. Then decide if you are really selfish enough to take the lives of innocent animals, strictly for the convience of taste. Oh, and dont forget to look into the eyes of the animals before they get slaughtered, and think about that everytime you take a bite of meat, and ponder upon the fact, if it is worth it for an animal to loose its life every time hunger occurs, when you could easily avoid having animals brutally slaughtered just so you can greedily get what you want at the expensive of others.
You might want to check out a flexitarian diet. It allows for you to eat meat in moderation.
You were no true vegetarian if you ever consider giving it up because you 'don't know if you wanna be a veggie' anymore.
GO slow eat baby portions of all meats at first.
take it slow, 4.5 years is enough for your body to have become used to no "heavy" food like meat. It'll likely make you feel heavy and lethargic.
shame, but best wishes with your new diet.
Like ten years ago I crashed my veg diet and went right for steak. It was so good tasted so good but within minutes I had a heavy feeling in my stomach. I made severel uncomfortable trips into the bathroom and stomach cramps for the next few hours. Go slow and start with fish or chicken and small amounts. I hope you reconsider.
I think every veggie has gone thru a time like this.
For some it is the inconvenience of it when going out with people and eating at a restaurant or even worse somebody else's house who has cooked a meal (not vegetarian and you feel so bad for making a fuss about what you eat).
The peer pressure to "fit" in with the crowd you feel comfortable in, but you are the odd person out with the whole "vegetarian" thing.
So basically it is starting to become a hindrance at your lifestyle you chose to have everyday.
I always ask myself, why am I veggie in the first place? It is easy to forget in this changing world (especially at certain places of your life: age wise. Teen age years and the beginning of 20's are very changing as you are trying to figure out who and what you are). See if that reason still "clicks" with who you are and what you are. Is it still your "identity"? And as with everything in this world, if it is not your identity, then you will have a new one, and it will be the opposite, can you "click" with that "identity"?
Yes, micky said things in a certain way that a veggie would say them because they are what they are. It is not a scare tactic. It is the truth. You will be eating some animal that was killed, gutted and its skin and bones removed, and then chopped up into little pieces and placed on a styrofoam plate and wrapped in plastic. Can you identify with that? That is the truth, and if you can, then so be it! Start out slowly eating little tiny amounts of chicken and fish would be your first bet. See how your stomach and digestion can handle it. Then you can work your way up to the flesh of a cow and pig.
i would suggest NOT giving up your lifestyle. if you'd never eaten (for instance) donuts, WHY would you start eating them if they were unhealthy for you???? maybe you just need to change up what you are now eating, get some new recipes, introduce some new foods...try some veg meat-alternative things like veggie burgers or other veggie versions of the standard american diet (it's not SAD for no reason). DON'T GIVE UP!
you remind me of my friend who only eats meat every once and a great while..around the holidays, going out for dinner, or when serving up a meal for people at his house. He generally has a meat free diet (for health reasons). He's not technically vegetarian but doesn't feel you need meat with every meal.
Now I think it's called 'flexatarian?' Anyways, whatever you choose to do is your choice don't let people beat you up about it.