Do you know any Vegan/Vegetarians who are Jewish?!
Answers: Anyone here? Why do you think there is a dearth of them?
Yep - I know of at least one off the top of my head. Actually, it seems like a lot of Jewish people are veggies. I think at times it's "easier" (for lack of a better description) than to worry if a meat is kosher or not.
Yes my husband at this point he is a mostly raw vegan and my best friend he is vegetarian for at least 10 years now. What's your point?
I know several, including myself.
Check that: I was raised Jewish but identify as agnostic. There may be few religous Jewish veg*ans, but the ones I know are culturally Jewish or were raised Jewish.
natalie portman is a veg
check out:
No, I don't.
Actually, there are a lot. Some famous ones are Peter Singer and Isa Chandra Moskowitz. Check out this site:
Um, me. What makes you think there is a dearth?
but there probably are
Not personally, but I belong to a vegan online forum that has several Jewish members. If Jews are veg*n in smaller numbers than others I would have no idea as to why.
YEEAP, one of my friends is a jewish vegeterian.
my friend and her sister are vegaterians and they are jews so YES i do. and they are proud of it
I don't personally, but the non-Orthodox Jews don't always adhere to tradition (like mixing milk products with meat) and so there probably are Vegetarians out there.
The current Ashkenazi grand rabbi of Israel is a vegetarian
The singer Pink is a Jewish Veg.
I am an Orthodox Jewish vegetarian as is my father, sister, and one of my brothers.
There are even Kosher vegetarian restaurants.
The only one I can remember off-hand is a really good chinese vegan restaurant on Capitol Hill in Seattle called the Teapot.
And Courtney Love is Jewish and Veg.
There are not really a dearth of them, there are just not a lot of Jews, and of them not a large percentage of Vegetarians.
I don't know anybody personally. I couldn't live without meat.
Yes, we have a lot of Jewish friends who are vegetarians. All of them keep kosher (using kosher cheese, etc.) and some are also vegan.