Ok, please answer...?!
Answers: I made a petition for stoping animal abuse, testing and cruelty...when i have a lot of people that signed it....where do i bring it to? what do i DO with it?
send it to peta. go onto the website and get the address. <strikeout from here to...>anyway, thanks for doing that :) - it makes me happy. u lightened up my day xoxo <here> - denim and pearls is right though (im sorry to say) :(
Well, you don't have a cause.
You need a specific cause.
Like for example, making a law that requires all slaughter houses to .....
But just saying, "Stop Animal Cruelty" is stupid.
There is no point. You'll have to re-write it and get all those people to re-sign it. It's illegal to change it, without notifing them.
Whining doesn't do any good, sweetheart.
The paper you used for your petition was made from a tree that was home to birds and squirrels. Who's cruel to animals now?
Why would you start something, then have no idea what to do with it?
Your probably going to have to hand deliver it to the pentagon for some real results.
Take it to Flex's house.
Look around online to see if there is another petition you can merge yours with. Most people don't give a damn cause their animals and not people so it's going to take a helluva lot more people than any 1, or any 100 petitions to even get noticed.
Well, with most petitions, you want to be specific--the more specific you are, the more likely you are to get a response. Then you have to find a person to whom you want to address with your petition. So if you want your Congressperson to sponsor or sign a bill your position supports, you would address it to him/her, but you would have to ensure that everyone signing your petition was in his/her voting district. It doesn't do you any good to have a petition addressed to your representative and have people who aren't that person's constituents signing it. If you are addressing a specific corporation to ask them to stop testing on animals or use fewer animal ingredients in their products, you can have whomever you like sign the petition, but you do want to address the correct person, although the CEO and/or chairman of the board is usually a good idea.
And if you don't know who your representative is, shame on you. If you're in the U.S. (and if you're not, excuse me for assuming you are), go to www.house.gov to find out who your representative is and www.senate.gov to find out who your senators are.
But many pro-veg organizations do petitions, and if you sign up to get updates, they'll send you petitions to sign and send by email. Whether it's effective remains to be seen.
Was there a specific animal abuse you want to stop? When you ask someone to sign a petition, you have to tell them what the cause is. If it is "stopping animal abuse" that is fine, but it is best to outline it. If you later hand that in to stop deer hunting, people that signed it may not actually agree with that being animal abuse. So first make it very clear. Second, visit www.peta.org and find out what causes they have taken up. They often welcome people starting petitions and will even process them and send them off to the right place for you. If you live in NY or CA, get in touch with the Farm Sanctuary, they also have a long list of animal abuse causes and would welcome your help. Some common causes are - hens in battery cages, veal crating, the Chinese fur trade, Japanese whaling & dolphin hunting, foie gras production cruelty... the best thing you can do is read up on what matters to you and do something about it! And props to you for wanting to make a difference.