Who else is tired of explaining why you're vegetarian?!
simple way to get out of explanation and argument just because of the word "vegetarian".
Without this word, I am still who I am, not taking any beings for food. ^-^
Answers: when people asking me why I don't eat meat, I just say, I don't like to eat meat. Like some people don't like to eat vegetables.
simple way to get out of explanation and argument just because of the word "vegetarian".
Without this word, I am still who I am, not taking any beings for food. ^-^
why bother explaining its ur choice
it's nice to share. it gives people another perspective. :)
yep!!! or the 'you have no reasoning behind being a vegetarian!!' gets real old. real quick. especially when the same questions are asked by the same ppl. or when someone is like "yuuuummmm meat' and shoves it in your face. maybe they would like some tofu in their face...
Who else is tired of having vegetarians treat meat eaters as if they are cannibals. Stop preaching, live and let live.
i do, they keep on questioning me, " why, but why"; it gets tiring. you don't ask why someone is catholic or Muslim; so why should you ask why they're vegetarian.
I'm tired of people making a big deal out of it!
I'm tired of feeling ganged up on by meat-eaters when they have asked me for my thoughts & opinions on the matter.
I'm tired of vegans and vegetarians who feel they have the right to treat meat eaters like moral lepers.
It goes both ways...
ugh me!! ther all like why are u a vegetarian and im like, well i dont think its fair the way they kill the animals and everytime i say sumthing else they go why? and i gotta keep explaining and explaining..its freaking annoying!
ME! I hate explaining that and what I eat all the time.
Well, don't tell anyone you're a vegetarian and they wont ask why you are one.
I am people don't seem to take ethical reasons seriously anymore.
me me me me!!! i only been a vegetarian for 1year and people think im just doing it to make good conversation, but good convo gets old real fast, im tired of having to defend myself, and always being called wrong when im clearly right.!!! no fair no fair, im tired of being a vegetarian and people ask me if i am when i clearly am, leave me alone, gosh!!yes it's good to help others, and talk about it but not now, maybe later!!! yea i get tired of it though!
Most people "in real life" don't even ask me. I think veg*nism has gotten normal enough that most people are familiar with the main reasons why someone would choose it. I answer that question a lot here, but hardly ever in person.
I am!!!When I told my new Doctor I was a veggie she freaked out and wanted to send me to see a dietitian. I had the last laugh when my iron levels came back higher then hers!
i dont even bother anymore, i just shrug when people ask me. when i did explain i think the word "slaughterhouse" really offended people. :)
i was afraid to tell my mother about it at first, i didnt think she would take to kindly, but heck...SHE didnt even question me! what a surprise!
Hell yes! More so about my my raw vegan thing. However alot of people seem really open to listening rather than mentioning their own opinion. Ive only had one person tell me that i was going to die. lol. I am the healthiest ever!