My piles are itching like hell, anyone have the remedy?!
Answers: OMFG!! You amaze me! Nobody told me that having a baby meant having hemmeroids!! Going to a doctor and having my *** cheeks spread so he could do-----totally sucks.....
Preparation H.
i think if you cut a little nick in them with a sharp knife then rub bleach in this will help..............i think
What's your first name? Gomer?
Check out this book..."Prescription for Nutritional Healing" by the Dr's Mr and MRS Balch. There are several versions out now, get the latest version, it has all the things you need to take care of yourself with herbs and how to adjust your eating to help you with your particular disorder, I have a chronic illness and this book has been my lifesaver. The issue I have has become manageable through the use of the info contained within. It has become my health and healing bible and it covers piles, as well as just about everything else!
grab a pine cone and get busy!
Clean the area very well, rinsing with cool water. Get some Desitin ointment, like they use on babies, and apply. It's quite soothing and will help the area. Or you can buy some Tucks pads and use those.
Eat some meat mate, its the vegetables fault.
Nice to see you again Herbs.
OH DEAR GOD BUGGERLU...My butt hurts so take a knife and bleach to it!!!!!!! You go try it and tell us how it comes out! Then test Tabasco on cold sores just for spits and giggles.
Tucks wipes, Stop eating tomatoes.
First of all what r piles. Second when I icth i have a special recipe. Just kidding!! Go to
Don't waste your money on things like Prep H,,etc. they are junk.
I read on Answers to use Vicks Vapo Rub and it works better than any of that stuff.
rub some herbs on them
sandpaper.. and some laundry detergent
well let's see... you're going to need a cheese grater, roll of duct tape, and some spackle.
Keep the area as clean and dry as possible. Perspiration seems to aggravate the itching. I've heard of witchhazel being used to reduce the swelling, though my results with it were mixed. If you have some in the house, you might try a compress with it.
I used to have a problem with them a couple times a year, including thrombosis (ouch!). I finally consented to have a very good surgeon take out the problem veins in the area and have had far less severe and less frequent issues since.
Step 1: Remove pants and diaper
Step 2: Place bottom on carpet
Step 3: Drag about the living room until raw
Go to the bottom of your garden. Pick up the fattest frog you can find.......................................
Rub it all around for 24 hours............Pray..................x...
YES. Sandpaper them down then rub liberally with salt, then a squeeze of fresh lemon juice. Let me know how you get on !. . . . .
prep h , lanacaine, lactolose solution to drink, softens stools, and my favourite the juice from ginger, mix in food its not too hot and it works, make your system work fine, you fart a lot,
Stick a cucumber up your arssse, its very soothing and cleansing, also very good for bags under your eyes.