My daughter is fat, would a vegan diet help her lose weight and look better?!
Answers: It is the only way for her to be pretty, skinny and moral. Make her switch immediately.
If she really enjoys fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Otherwise, it could be hell for her. Portion control is key in whatever way you are eating.
Probably would but that is a huge lifestyle change. I would just eat better all around, not cutting out meat completely. Maybe eating more lean meat such as fish or chicken, not fried of course.
I think what would work better is not a vegan diet, but a well balanced diet with less bread, pasta, and rice, but more protein and plenty of veggies and low sugar fruits. Paired with an exercise program would be a good start. Remember that when you are dealing with body-changing issues you need to give everything you try a solid 90 days before deciding something is not working.
Assley, troll....
My block comes up even if you change your name!
Not sure, but a new mother might help her self asteem. Why don't you love your daughter for who she is, instead of making her into something else. And I can't imagine that she got "fat" by herself. It had to come from somewhere.
Look at you trying to be all sneaky and changing your name.
Man, you must be one lonely person!
Sure turn her against meat, eggs and cheese as protein and then when she doesn't like the lentils, soy and stuff she will be on a totally ding dong diet. Good move mom.
I would encourage her to eat the things in her diet that are healthy regardless of your opinions and not set her up for an eating discorder. I have friends who have so many rules about what they can eat they are a mess. Come to think of it their children are a mess too.
Maybe it would help if her mother was encouraging, instead of calling her fat. Children follow their parents eating habits. Everything in moderation, cut out pop, make sure she gets excercise. If she has already hit puberty be sure there is nothing wrong with her thyroid.
I have to admit I have a problem with this question on many different levels. First, weight loss and looking better don't necessarily go hand in hand. You should be concerned about her weight loss because of her health, not because of her looks. There are plenty of skinny people who aren't pretty, and plenty of pretty people who don't have inner beauty. Second, you shouldn't ever introduce the idea of diet to your child. You need to introduce the idea of a healthy lifestyle to her, and that doesn't have anything to do with being a vegan. Children need food from every food group to nourish their minds and bodies. Eliminating protein will not be effective, especially if she isn't on board. Third, eating habits are a learned behavior in most cases. Even if the family doesn't overeat, perhaps her body can't metabolize the same foods the family can. There are a lot of things to look at. Finally, singling out your daughter is not going to make her feel any better, especially if she is an emotional eater.
I don't want to seem mean, but this is your result. I was an overweight child. You need to be outside with her on a daily basis making exercise fun and a part of her daily life. You need to change the diet for everyone in your house, not just her, it will benefit everyone. You need to teach her that "a diet" is not the answer, it's a healthy lifestyle. Eggs, milk, and protien are not making her "fat", it's portion control and moderation. My daughter loves meat and would eat only meat if I allowed it. Instead I found the few veggies she does like and fill half of her plate with them, a quarter with meat and the other quarter with her carb. Putting your daughter on a diet is only going to frustrate you when she's not continually successful and make her fell bad about herself. What did her MD say?
Ashley, this has to be the most boring one yet.
Why don't you want to drop her in a vat of hot oil to punish her for eating meat.
Why, Ashley, why?
Ashely V
They're all the same.
Thats really nice to say about your daughter!!!! NOT.
Please be a little more considerate by saying, perhaps - overweight.
And no a vegan diet could kill someone. If you just cut out sweets, chips and anything else fatty and stick to healthy nutritious meals then she may be able to loose weight.
Actually Ashley and Ashley V are not the same person, though both trolls. Unless there's two Ashley Vs.
That's why his makey uppy questions aren't as funny as Ashley's makey uppy questions - different troll.
Just a shame kind and well-meaning people have been taken in by this one.
smaller dinners and not before bed.
What the? Who the hell do you think you are calling your daughter fat?
that is really wrong of you to be calling your daughter fat do you care of the way she feel guess not if you talk about her like that
Instead of giving her an allowance, put the money in the bank and tell her it is her liposuction fund. And then belittle her and tell her boys will never like her and she will die alone.
You're like 9, so why do you make up these questions?
Don't force her to do anything. Find out what her BMI is first, and then decide whether she is overweight. If she isn't, stop it. If she is, ask her how she feels about her shape. If she's happy, stop it. If she's not, ask her what she wants to do about it. If she doesn't want to do anything, stop it. If she does, help her with a diet that does not restrict food groups. If you explain to her that vegetarian and vegan diets are low in fat, and she wants to go ahead with it, then go ahead with it. Don't make her do anything she doesn't want to do.
No, it would just suck all the muscle and fat out of her.
she might be "skinny" but she was be anemic skinny.
so my answer is NO.
if she is overweight, that means that she doesnt even have a healthy normal diet, what makes you think she will have the will power to start a vegan diet. She should just wat healthier and work out.
nope, if shes a daughter of yours, only cosmetic surgery will help the poor girl out. troll :)
You are a horrible father.