Would I still be a vegatarian if i ate fish?!
would that means im a vegetarian???
Answers: Like i don't want to eat meat, and i'll be sticking to that. But fish ha all these good proteins and omega 3 il that need to ill that
would that means im a vegetarian???
Yes, you can still be classified a vegetarian and eat fish. You'd be called a Pesco-Vegetarian.
Here's the info on different vegatarian classifications:
1) Total Vegetarians eat only plant food. They do not eat any animal foods, including fish, eggs, dairy products, and honey.
2) Vegans not only omit all animal products from their diets, but they also eliminate them from the rest of their life. Vegans use nothing from animals, such as leather, wool, and silk.
3) Lacto-Vegetarians will include dairy products into their diet of plant food.
Lacto-Ovo-Vegetarians eat both eggs and dairy products.
4) Pesco-Vegetarians include fish into their diets.
5)Pollo-Vegetarians eat poultry, such as chicken, turkey, and duck.
Well, fish is not a vegetable. Even though it is not a cow, pig, etc., it is still a fish, like fowl. A vegetarian would not eat it.
No. Fish is meat.
pescetarian. or something like that.
Fish is meat dear..
No, being a vegetarian by definition means no animal flesh whatsoever. you'd be a pescetarian. Anyone telling you otherwise doesn't know what they're talking about.
edit* Here's some reading about it for you:
I want to make a note, that when Vegetarians say they don't eat meat, they use the term meat in meaning any kind of animals tissue at all. But to many people, the term meat = red meat, pork, things like that, and isn't including fish, but vegetarians don't eat any animal flesh at all, nada, zip, like I said before
And if someone says they are vegetarian but eats fish and/or poultry but in limited amounts and doesn't eat red-meat, technically they can be called semi-vegetarian, which isn't actually vegetarian!
Both definitions of meat are correct according to Merriam Webster dictionary online, either in meaning animal tissue considered as food, or to mean flesh of a mammal as opposed to fish or poultry. Obviously this can cause a lot of confusion and misinformation among people in instances such as this! (like how some of these people are giving you misinformation by saying that vegetarians can eat fish)
if you believe fish is a vegetable then you would be fine, if you don't think fish is a vegetable and you ate it, it would not be a vegetarian food.
HINT: Fish, not a vegetable
The whole idea of vegetarianism is to go against the agony and torture animals go through in order for you to have a temporary pleasure on your tongue.
If you eat a fish, you're eating a killed animal.
It was suffocated, chocked, cut, slaughtered, or gased.
No, because fish are animals too.
You can get omega 3 supplements. Eating fish means you are NOT a vegatarian.
Being a vegi is not about eating meat; it's about not eating anything with a face so to speak. Fish have faces-hence, you can not be considered a vegi if you eat meat. You are a pescatarian; occasionally used to describe those who abstain from eating all meat and animal flesh with the exception of fish.
The person above me has a good point--I'm a catholic and my family doesn't eat "meat" during Lent but they do eat fish--need to go yell at them! Thanks!
You would be a pescetarian.
But, there are other ways to get omega 3 and protein.
You could get those omega 3 eggs.
And take protein supplements.
And protein bars and peanut butter and stuff.
No, vegetarians don't eat animals.
Fish are animals.
There is no such thing as a pesco/pesce-vegetarian. It is a complete oxymoron
If you want to call yourself a "pescetarian" that's your choice, but it a silly thing to call your self a "believer of fish", which is what the word means.
No, it may be a perfectly valid diet choice, but if you eat the flesh of dead animals you are simply not a vegetarian.
There is no such thing as "good proteins." Proteins are proteins and there is no chance that a vegetarian eating a balanced diet would ever be protein deficient.
Fish do not produce omega-3, they get it from their food and you can too. Marine microalgae, flax oil and flax seed, and walnuts are all good sources.
Like... NO.
I can't believe people still cant understand FISH ARE ANIMALS NOT PLANTS!!!
You are NOT vegetarian if you eat fish. They are NOT simply a source of protien, it is a living breathing ANIMAL. You cannot call your self vegetarian if you still eat seafood.
Eating fish is also bad for the environment and other living things. Fishing takes away food sources from other animals. Many other animals are killed in the process of fishing. This includes animals such as sea turtles, dolphins and other fish which are "not marketable". they term these other poor animals "by catch" and throw them back dead or dying into the sea.
Farmed fish require 4 times the amount of wild fish to sustain them. Farmed fish also live in horrible conditions like all other animals bread for human consumption. They live cramped together swimming around in their waste and often cannibalise each other due to lack of space. They need large doses of pesticides, herbicides and antibiotics to control diseases, this is due to the close confinement. Farmed fish often spread these diseases and parasites such as sea lice to wild fish populations. Farmed fish can escape and out compete/out breed wild populations.
Fish are also bad for you. They contain large concentrations of heavy metals. If you want a good source of omega 3 you can get it from fruits, vegies, nuts, legumes.
Just becasue they aren't cute and cuddly it doesn't mean they deserve to die.
Technically. just dont be one of those people who go around saying theyre doing it for the animals, while they bite into a peice of fish. fishies have feelings too =(
yes, technicolly a veggie-tarean is someone that doesn't eat RED MEAT AKA cows and actual big animals you could even eat chicken sometimes if you needed the protein. I even forcemyself to have a stripofchicken once a month justtoget the protein
many vegetarian's eat fish because they say they don't feel pain, so...yes you can be a vegetarian and eat fish
yes fish is not red meat
FISH is NOT meat so you can still eat it
well, fish arent exactly grown from dirt. No, u will be an omnivore like most americans, lolz. U just dont like meat other then fish.
yea ur still considered a vegetarian because it's not meat
your still classed as a vegetarian if you eat seafood.
at the end of the day its still a living creature that has feelings. if your going to be a vegetarian be a proper one.
think of all them fish that get gutted so you can have a piece of salmon
Many Lacto-Ovu vegetarians do eat fish. Fish is considered parve.
Many "moral" veggies do not eat fish.
My grandmother has been a vegetarian for years, and she say's fish are just "fancy plants."
One can only wonder why you're a vegetarian. Clearly, you don't have a passionate desire not to eat meat (fish is meat), so I can only guess that you're doing the vegetarian thing to be cool or something.
There are lots of different type of vegetarians -- some eat only veggies, some eat veggies and eggs, and some add fish to the mix. So, yes, I say that you can be a vegetarian and eat fish.
i would not count fish as a meat more of just a source of protein
i consider it not to be meat and i would say ur still veggitarian... catholics dont consider it meat because they still eat it ont he days u cant eat meat. so i dont think its meat.
If you dont like meat , and you can eat fish is oke ..
But it's not mean you are a vegetarian .
Fish is animal , and of course the part of the body from fish is call MEAT ..
Vegetarian only eat an vegetable , fruits , and not eat MEAT.
Enjoy your FISH MEAT .. :-)
Some vegetarians eat fish. Most real vegetarians do not eat fish, though, and I question how serious these fish-eating vegetarians are about animal rights. Though fish isn't considered a meat, it still senses pain and is killed for its flesh just as a cow or chicken is. At the same time, I applaud anyone who gives up any type of animal flesh, because every little bit counts. The less chicken you eat, the less chicken you buy, the less the store has to order, the less that has to be killed, etc.