What is a slaughter by product?!
Answers: Any ingredient that can only be gotten from killing an animal. Meat is the most obvious slaughter byproduct, but lard (pig fat,) tallow (beef fat,) gelatin (rendered bone marrow and connective tissue,) and rennet (enzymes from the lining of a calf's stomach) are some of the other slaughter bproducts that vegetarians avoid.
Things that are taken from the dead animal and used for a million different things
Soap oils and fats
bones and skin, and fats. Used in foods, - cheese, used in make up, used in clothing.
Its basically using the other parts of the killed animal.
a by-product is anything from the slaughter that isn't used for "first market". Such things as the oils from the slaughter used in makeup, the internal organs used for processing meats (bologna, hot dogs), and the hooves used for dog treats can all be considered by-products.
I don't think anything from slaughter is a 'by-product' since it is all paid for and all goes towards slaughtering more animals. Calling leather a 'by-product' makes it sound like it animals are slaughtered despite leather, not because of it, but slaughterhouses don't just give it away.
Whatever it is it is not recommended for vegans.
dont know and dont care
it means an animal died for it to be made.
Food and leather aren't by-products.
they're kind of the point of slaughter.
Products derived from the rendering of animal parts.
I know a lot about that because I sell my hay to slaughterhouses and so I visit them a lot. But I'm vegetarian and against cruelty to animals. But money is money. Slaughter by-product is all of the things that you make fertilizer from, leather, bones, horns, etc. It is used in plastics, sugar, gelatine, glue, a lot of things.