I think this qoute inspires me to be vegtarian? Anybody else feel same way?!
Answers: 'Intellectually, human beings and animals may be different, but it's pretty obvious that animals have a rich emotional life and that they feel joy and pain. It's easy to forget the connection between a hamburger and the cow it came from. But I forced myself to acknowledge the fact that every time I ate a hamburger, a cow had ceased to breathe and moo and walk around.' -Moby (Teen People)
The replies here are the typical defensive things you'd expect from people who don't want to be confronted with the consequences of their dietary choices. The truth is, if anyone ever visited a slaughterhouse and saw exactly what happened there, they'd never touch meat again. If you're pro-life, if you have any sense of compassion, if you want to minimize suffering in the world, you simply won't eat meat. It doesn't make you a hypocrite if you can't stop all suffering in the world, but you can certainly do your part to make a difference. It's a lot better than being apathetic about it, and thinking that cow didn't struggle, suffer, and feel pain when it was knocked over the head and then had its throat slit, all so you can enjoy another artery-clogging Big Mac. The fact that "only 2%-4%" of the population gets it only means that there's a LOT of work left to do, not that the majority is right. "Everybody's doing it" has never been a good excuse to do anything. In fact, you should feel angry that you've been so utterly manipulated by the meat and dairy industries into thinking that meat is good for you and that animals didn't suffer for your meal.
God, ignorance is an ugly thing ...
wow. me too.
a bit dreamy and romantic
and as soon as i read the word "forced" it lost impact
be a vegeatrian because of your deep set beliefs not because you are forcing yourself, make the stance, its a wonderful thing to do, but do it because you believe in your cause, not some romantic notion a so called celeb says to gain popularity
I think it was Paul McCartney who also said 'If slaughterhouses were made out of glass, everyone would be a vegetarian.' - I think this is a great statement because people don't think about where the meat came from and what happens to the animal just to make a hamburger or whatever. If people insist on eating meat they should take a moment to think about the suffering it caused an animal.
In a word - Flake.
Im a vegetarian, and i think the quote is really nice actually, but you mustnt force yourself to be a vegetarian, like the other person said, but if you do truly feel that its something youd like to do, then go for it, Im glad i did.
No.... sorry just not getting it!!! Makes me feel positively nauseous and turn to eating more meat and fish in abundance. Vegetarianism to me remains the work of the Devil!!!! An out-dated tree hugging concept that has no real reason other than romantic sentimentalism!
That's one reason why I bow hunt deer. No steroids, hormones or any of the like. Pure free-range game.
Why would I want to think about that. I do knows what animals go through to get to our plates, but I know that not all of them do and I'm willing to take that risk. Frankly, do you know what kids--coughslavescough--have to go through to put clothes on your back? I didn't think so.
Im a vegetable rights activist, carrot juice is murder!
If it work for you, fine. But it is presumptuous that people are really stupid not to put beef/burger and cow together. It is also presumptuous that people eat meat because they are ignorant and that somehow, vegetarians are mentally and morally superior because they don't. Frankly coming from a musician whose moral principles on illegal drug use is suspect at best, the "quote" to me is quite meaningless.
As evidenced by the fact that the best and most optimistic figures on the vegetarian population pegs it at a 2-4%, then I can conclude that not many people are convinced either.
the cow had ceased to breathe and moo and walk around before it became an hamburger.
I certainly respect Moby and agree with his sentiments, but I've been veg*n since looong before anyone had ever heard of him, so I can't say it inspires me to be veg*n.