If you think canine teeth make us natural omnivores?!
how can you pick and choose what attributes you want to follow and what you want to discard? you can't have it both ways.
Answers: don't think we are also naturally violent, sexually promiscuous polygamists? look at chimps, our nearest relative. People use apes and ancient humans as examples for eating meat, after all.
how can you pick and choose what attributes you want to follow and what you want to discard? you can't have it both ways.
The mysteries of chimps become violent while eating meat is unknown. Apparently, human do not necessarily need meat for survival or to become violent.
Human is only self-claimed omnivore in the earth that could not crash the bones, shell and intestines, neither his digestive system would not able to assimilate them. Why don’t you have a try?
Compare to those "perfect" omnivores like bear and dog. Why don't you collaborate with a "perfect" herbivore...gorillas?
If you analyze the above facts, your mind will be pretty much determine that our body anatomy is very much resemble to the vegetarian diet. It also good for you, for the animals, environment and earth.
Why not? We dont have to be creatures of instinct.
Good point.
Don't forget cannibalism and infanticide -
but all those are true! we are all of that and more, just watch the evening news
but we don't have the teeth for eating meat so....
but i see what you are saying, animals are not like us at all, except for when it comes to animal testing, because we all know those results are good....right
Why is it that you are allowed to choose your values and yet you are trying to deny me of the right to choose mine?
I think you have some serious issues.
Newsflash: we don't all have to be exactly like you, thank god.
King, what proof is there that we are veg heads? Your nonsense is garbage. IF we weren't meant to eat meat, the meat would pass through our systems just like the seeds of a plant do. God, some of you veg heads are so stupid. Live yoru own lifestyle, but be aware that we can either eat meat or plants. ANd our autonomy does not suggest we are vegs. WE have incisors that help us tear meat. Jesus Christ the ignorance that goes on.
It matters not whether we are historically omnivores, carnivores, herbivores, whatever...
It's obvious that humans are far healthier on a plant-based diet (vegan), we also have the sense to see why it is wrong to exploit nonhuman animals, this is the only thing that separates as from them... it doesn't mean we're superior, it just means we have moral responsibilities.
Nature shouldn't be used as a reason to do or not do something... it's natural for men to rape women and to beat each other up for territory, it's natural not to use medication, it's natural not to wear clothes... Just because something is natural, it does not mean it is moral. Forget nature and embrace ethics.