Good ideas for Organic foods??!
Organic foods cook up just like conventionally grown foods so you can use any cookbook you like. I really like the original Moosewood Cookbook. Lots of wonderful veg and vegan recipes.
Answers: This time of year look for locally raised winter squashes (butternut, acorn, etc), carrots, parsnips, rutabagas, onions, garlic, scallions, leeks, lettuce, arugula, parsley, cilantro, kale, turnips, spinach, cabbages and fix seasonal meals from those ingredients.
Organic foods cook up just like conventionally grown foods so you can use any cookbook you like. I really like the original Moosewood Cookbook. Lots of wonderful veg and vegan recipes.
There are no good ideas for organic food. Organic foods cost more and take more land to produce. If we went to all organic farming it would decrease the food supply to 30% of what we have now. That means 6 billion people will starve to death because rich people made a choice to buy more expensive food that has no increased nutritional value. This is not to say traditional agriculture is the answer. Sustainable farms and agricultural technologies would make for a greater food supply and a higher quality of life for everyone.
What do you mean, 'good ideas for organic foods'? Any produce, dairy or meat you can think of can be produced organically.
Pick any recipe or ingredient you'd use for non-organic foods and use that the same way.
I do not buy all organic foods at home because it's just not financially possible at the moment. However, I am a big fan of Green+ products. For starters, they are chock full of awesomeness, loaded with vitamins and minerals, fiber, protein, and of cource covered in dairy-free chocolate! Plus, they are almost entirely organic (except for the soy lecithin and apple fiber in them). I buy 5 bars a week and take one to work each day as my afternoon snack (my morning snack is usually some soy yogurt or fruit or a small salad).
I am increasingly worried about eating anything, obviously those eating meat where the animal has had homones and other chemicals injected. Any healthy and organic but still affordable?
If you think this is correct time for paradigm shift to a fruitorian is necessary, then only the vegetarians are “there” to follow you! Such diet evolution is clearly defined in ethical and spiritual manner, i.e Paleolithic diet, Omnivorous, Lacto-Ovo, Vegetarian, Vegan, Raw Vegan (RVAW), Fruitorian, Macrobial, and finally Breatharian.
Unless the price does not matter, the world will speak about Raw Vegan (RVAW), Fruitorian, Macrobial on day!