Veggies at school?!
Answers: what do the vegetarian etc parents of kids do when it comes to school lunches , do you make them, brown bag it or do you trust that your kids school has healthy foods for your children to consume , and since we all know salad bars don't change much do you think your children are not sneaking some of these other items , we know how school food is , so what do you think?
It depends on the school. My school had a few vegetarian options, but not a lot. I'd suggest you pack a lunch if your child wants one.
As a parent, I consider it my job instill good principles in my child, and then trust him to make his own decisions.
I'd trust my kid. I wouldn't force him to be a vegetarian if he doesn't want to be one.
You don't let your kids kill other kids, so why let them kill nonhuman animals? The morality of animal exploitation is not a matter of belief, just like the morality of rape is not a matter of belief - you don't say to a rapist 'oh well, it's your lifestyle choice'. If you think that animal exploitation is a matter of belief, it begs the question: what makes animals so unimportant that killing them or not is just a lifestyle choice to a human?
If I ever have children they're getting the full story, no bullshit. Any child who is told the truth and isn't subjected to mind-numbing bullshit will happily be a vegan. Did you know the McEvils tried to launch an advert where hamburgers where growing on trees? Bullshit.
I'm not a mom (yet) but I adore this web site:
I was rarely allowed to buy lunch at school. We were encouraged to make a healthy lunch at home.
It's much easier to raise a kid as vegan than the adults. Generally people are instinct to taste, not values. I’ve came across with many families those are evolved as vegetarians for generations.
When I met my first vegetarian, he told me he had not eaten meat for eighteen years. His kids were teenagers now evolved as vegans! I looked at him as if he had managed to hold his breath that entire time. Today I know there is nothing rigorous or strange about eating a diet that excludes meat.
A child is capable to understand that animals are adorable one. A smart child will oppose the animal parts are served in his/her plate. But if you only begin impose vegetarianism into a 7 y/o kid, he/she’s pretty smart to say that …”I evolved as omnivore; how could you impose vegetarianism and your belief in me?” The mind will be conditioned; desire and craving will supersede the rationale / conscience. Nevertheless, put your palms on your heart and ask…which is right, which is wrong!
Peanutbutter & Jelly sandwich
If you don't trust your kid to eat right, just make sure they take vitamin supplements or they eat right at home.
Most vegan/vegetarian parents I know pack their kids lunches. Most parents who actually care about what their kids eat would.
skool foods are crap, have him pack one. i actually don't even eat at skool, too much stuff to do.