Do vegetarians eat animal crackers??!
Answers: LOL! Yes they do, funny question, btw.
they eat all sorts! even fish.
i imagine they would eat manure burgers if they extremists in the veg arena.
because the animal crackers dont have meat
haha my sis is a vegetarian and she sometimes eats fish. just not chicken or beef....that kinda thing
Yes, but they feel guilty about it.
yes they do.
haha of coarse not! crackers have feelings too especially if they are animals...DUH!
Uhm thats a total DUH! OF course they do! It's not like animal crackers have meat in them!
This question has been asked soooooo many times and it is really starting to annoy me! I know you were trying to make a "joke", and a appreciate you trying to put a smile on my face, but next time, please be a little bit more original.
Yes. It's clearly outlined in the vegetarian unwritten rule book.