My bf is a non vegetarian. I recently converted to Christianity. My bf insists it doesnt hurt to be a non-veg,!
Answers: but I still feel weird, he says its ok as Im a christian now... Also, he says meat makes the diet more balanced. Is this true? What kind of meat should I eat and what should I eat to make a gradual transformation if so?
Okay let's get the whole Christian thing out of the way: God has no issue with you eating meat. He just wants you to look after your body: treat it like a temple.
On the issue of lifestyle, you can choose whether or not to eat meat. In this section you will meet many people who will invite and support you in veg/vegan lifestyle, and you will meet many who DEMAND that you MUST adopt sych a lifestyle. Go with the former. The latter are fanatics, often bullies who claim a moral superiority based-mainly- on their eating habits.
What does God and your faith say to you about this? That is the second thing you mention, and it is close to your heart. Make a stand based on how God speaks to YOU, and leave your bf and others out of that. God says that a 'a wise *man* seeks after knowledge: then get some ( Prov 8:18 and Prov 1:7). If your faith is new and fresh, then you need toexplore what it says on this issue.
As for kinds of meat, that is largely a personal choice, but common sense goes for: moderate quantities, well trimmed, not every day and the Bible possibly suggests cook it to well done too. Eat fish and plenty of vegetables/pulses too: in short, a balanced diet.
God bless, and I do hope this helps!
Christianity does not mean that you MUST eat meat either!
"local" "organic" meat
Follow your moral code and stop relying on bf's.
It is likely you have all the info you need to make the right decision in the matter.
I wouldn't change your moral habits just because the new bf or religion say to.
I am not veg, but morality comes at a cost. You can't just jump from one to the other.
** F U thumbs downer. Ahhhh, that felt good.
You can be a christian and a Vegetarian.
just start out with eating little bits of it at a time, or, try around a bit, you may find one that you are really atatched to.. like I LOVE hamburgers, but i wont eat a steak.
And thus a new more Chistian Ashley is born.
roast beef
Poultry is the best to begin with; chicken, turkey, etc. Start slowly and anticipate some digestive problems in the beginning. Don't feel like you need to eat meat now that you are Christian, there are many vegetarians who choose it for other reasons. Your body may find that it has more energy and feels good while eating meat but you also may find that you were fine the other way. It's all up to you and how it makes you feel. Give some chicken a try and see what it's like. If you don't want to eat meat, don't.
If you're already a vegetarian, why would you want to switch back? Of course it's okay to be non-veg, and meat provides good protein, but so does tofu and beans. If you don't want to be a meat eater, don't do it for him. If you are vegetarian simply for health reasons and you want to start eating animals again, your best bet would be fish or chicken/turkey. They're lean and healthy. But I still don't understand...Why wouldn't you just stay a vegetarian?
Religion has nothing to do with being vegan/vegetarian or what feels comfortable. Comfortable for YOU, not anyone else.
Stay a vegetarian! Your religion shouldn't change your ethical beliefs. Your boyfriend is confused about what a balanced diet should be.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with you maintaining a vegetarian lifestyle regardless of your religious beliefs. In fact, it's perfectly acceptable for you to be a vegetarian while he eats meat.
As for his claim that meat makes the diet more balanced. It is possible to get all necessary nutrients in meat from plant sources. It just takes more planning. If you do want to try meat, I would recommend something like baked Chicken.
No, meat does not make the diet any more balanced, and can easily make it unbalanced.
Make your own choice if you want to be vegetarian or not. the American Dietetic Association says the vegetarian diet can be very healthy if done correctly, and can actually help prevent diseases and disorders.
(Of course, sometimes disease has to do with genetics and environment)
It doesn't matter what religion you are, eating meat is a lifestyle. It's about what you believe in. People are not always vegetarian because of what religion dictates, but because of personal morals, support of animal rights, or just simply better health. I'm sure you'll find many Christians who are vegetarian that will answer you.
Your boyfriend is misinformed. You should check out vegetarian resources online.
pork and beef are the worst.
15% more likely to get colon cancer, and their fats are the worst kind. also full of steriods and growth hormone
chicken, less fatty, still full of growth hormone
wild meat or organic meat. better, no crap added to them, plus if its wild or organic you know they are just eating their natural foods
fish that are high in nutrients and low in toxins are the best. sardines are a good choice, just hard to cook with.
i dont understand why ur calling ur bf a non-vegetarian. thats like implying everyone in the world is vegetarian.
meat does make the diet more balanced. meat has complete protiens, where most other sources dont. protiens are made up of i think 20 amino acids, 9 of which are essential for you. nuts and other vegetarian stuff dont have all the acids individually.
fish is your best bet for overall health.
why do you feel weird? and what does it have to do with you being christian? are you not allowed to eat meat or something? wtf
If you eat meat now you will get sick. I would advise you to stay vegetarian as you have probably been one all of your life. However, if you do start to eat meat, start with very little portions of the softer kinds like deli slices of turkey and ham.
Good Luck with your decision but remember, it "doesn't hurt to stay veg."
there's multiple reasons to be a vegetarian, and no good reasons to eat meat.. All nutrition can be found in vegetarian food, if the diet is balanced.. I'm a christian vegetarian.. why should you start eating meat??
Follow your own morals and eat what you think is right. Christianity neither requires nor prohibits eating meat.
What does your conversion have to do with it? There are plenty of vegetarian Christians, you know.
first, what does being christian have to do with eating meat?? in fact if your christian you should be AGAINST eating meat, because you believe god created the animals, and we are abusing, torturing and making them suffer in factory farms so we can have meat... i don't think god would appreciate us treating his creations in such a manner. especially when you absolutely don't need meat to be healthy. unfortunatley your bf is all sorts of wrong. i think you should continue doign research here and on other sites and show him what you find. i've been a veg. 15 years almost now. you just need to supplement other protein sources ("fake"/soy meats, beans, tofu, soy, peanut butter, nuts, veggies, etc.) and eat lots of veggies, fruits, and grains... a balanced vegetarian diet is actually the healthiest diet for you and greatly reduces your risk of all the major disease killer. eat what you want to eat and what you feel is right, not what someone else, boyfriend, religion, or otherwise tells you.
Eating meat makes you more healthier for sure. There is nothing wrong with eating meat, as long as the animals are killed in a humane way.
Are you THAT out of touch with reality that you think it's somehow weird to eat meat? We're FREAKIN' OMNIVORES for crying out loud! Your body is made to eat plants and meat! Of COURCE it's a more well balanced diet to eat everything you're designed to eat!
Are people getting dumber? What other animal doesn't comprehend its own place in the food chain?