Questions on this catagory?!
Answers: Why do people feel the need to put questions about meat and fish in the vegetarian section . Then they insult us by calling us cranks etc . To me it seems to be them that has the problem .The inability to read for a start . Is anyone else sick and tired of them?
ariana, I know what you mean. Most of them are overwhelmed with guilt and so they come in here and bash vegetarians and vegans in an attempt to make them feel good about themselves.
yeah, they make me sick to my stomach. They claim that they hate vegans/vegetarians because we "preach" ,but really, they are the ones who provoke.
i think it is beacuse all vegetarians are different some eat fish some eat eggs some just dont eat meat because thay dont like the taste of it and dont go round checking all the ingredants of everything, so therefor some people just want to know about fish a meat possibly from a vegeterian or vegans point of view
Yes I noticed this that is why I normally avoid this section now which is a shame as I enjoyed hearing about meal ideas etc for other vegans
Hiya hon :o) xx Well in answer to your question I think it does happen in other sections too, but seems to be particularly noticeable on here. Whilst I eat meat myself, I also have vegetarian friends, and do lots of cooking for them, so would never understand why people do this sort of thing. I personally wouldn't want to offend anyone, and have answered questions in the vegetarian section (about cooking mainly) because of my own experience and am happy to eat vegetarian - it's nutritious and healthy. Just ignore them I think is the best way chick - they are obviously doing to provoke people, and the best way to deal with them is to show them no attention whatsoever and don't rise to their bait! x Hope this helps xx :o) xx
This question just popped up I eat meat, but I like to hear both sides.
People seem to be offended by vegetarians. Whenever I tell people that I do not eat meat they immediately attack me. However, I never start fights with people who are not vegetarian. It can be so annoying at times.
They're trying to wind people up-ignore them
I've seen that, but then I've also seen Vegans posting questions directed towards meat eaters to try and get an angry response.
They're just trolls and best ignored, Ariana.
I think that people who insult vegetarians are very rude. I myself am a meat eater but I have nothing against vegetarianism. You should respect other peoples' decisions...its only fair.
I don't give them a second thought. If they are worried about what I eat, they must not have much of a life. I pity them, and won't waste my time on them.
well done for sticking to your ideals, i am a meat eater, i expect you to follow your idea and i mine, i respect your right to live your life as you see fit, good luck to you.
I'm into natural health as well as this section, it happens there all the time. I think people just try to get under our skin. I ignore them as much as possible. They are ignorant and small and we don't have to waste our time on them. :)
shouldnt be allowed
It is something in the human psyche.Everyone has to make his or her little point like the non smokers who either deliberately or through sheer stupidity go into smoking areas and then make a thorough nuisance of themselves or the joggers who streak past you but once round the corner slow right down to your speed or the inevitable idiot in the swimming pool who must try and give you a race.
Having said that I find vegetarian food properly prepared and especially Indian delicious and would not mind being a vegetarian myself but I am wondering whether you could still get all the necessary nutrition your body needs without having to take supplements.
Mostly to get a reaction, often in response to remarks made by SOME vegans.
Being called a 'crank' isn't as insulting as being called a 'murderer'.
Stop the goading, insults and inflammatory remarks, and find peace.
I am fed up with people who claim to be vegetarian, but then go onto say they adore/cann't live without fish and/or chicken.
I have always belived that true vegetarians are NOT allowed to eat any animal flesh.
reported for rant