Why do people think "B vitamins are not found in the vegetable kingdom at all"?!
Answers: Any good educational infomration that state either way?
unscrupulous agricultural practices have degradized the nutrient quality in many vegetables, when compared to their historical (20+ years ago) counterparts. Also, B vitamins are water-soluble. That means if you boil up some corn, carrots,... etc. the b vitamins are leached out into the water. Then only way to redeem these are to 1.) drink the water your boil your vegetables in 2.) create a soup from this water, the latter being the better of the two options.
Well they can be found in vegetables but depending on the kind and where you live because not all people can get the same things, that might be their point of view. And sometimes it is a lot more harder to get vitamin b12 from just vegetables, vegetation it self not really though it is more commonly seen in a well balanced diet "omnivorous" or vegetarian.
Because people should actually find the facts out before they speak/write
Broccoli is LOaded with b vitamins. So is ........
Peanut butter
Nutritional yeast
Milk, cheese etc
Fermented soy products
Brown rice
and many more!!!
B vitamins are with the exception of B-12.