Why do people give Vegetarians such a hard time?!
Answers: I have just stopped eating meat and I know a few people that are vegan and vegetarians.Why do people judge them so much?
i dont know really, im a vegetarian too, people don't really give me a hard time but they are often shocked wen i tell them i am and ask why, but i cant really see why. it's so common these days ad its not asif theres hardly any vegetarians around. maybe people are just so used to eating meat and everyone else eating it they are surprised when someone doesnt or maybe they see meat as a part of what everyone should eat and cant understand why people dont. i dont know haha:)
Idk..... I guess people just think its wierd that people don't eat meat... There is nothing wrong without eating meat. Its not like ur gonna die, if you dont eat it
Because they are intimidated by others who want to make seemingly drastic changes for either their health or to make a statement.
It can sometimes be radical... but I have found the my vegan/veg. friends don't expect me to do it, so why would I give them a hard time? They are not any healthier than me, but they are thinner.
I don't give vegetarians a hard time. I respect them.
They are used to eating meat and think it is the only way to go. They don't have the will power or desire to stop eating meat. Hang in there, and don't eat meat just because others do.
People probably judge them cause they are different or so they think.I'm am not vegetarian but I do enjoy a salad every once and a while!
I don't know anyone who judges vegans and vegetarians. I respect their will to help the earth.
Probably cuz they feel that they are being judged by Vegeterians automatically just by being Vegeterians and not eating meat... You know, they probably feel secretly guilty and are in a defensive mood when they find out u love animals and don't condone killing and eating them?
Anyone who feels it important enough to tell strangers that they are vegan are associating themselves with the few vocal wackos who have given the movement a bad image.
Did you know that Adolph Hitler was a vegan and insisted that vegetarianism be part of his fascist national policy?
I am a vegetarian too. People give you such a hard time because you have such a limited diet. They also think that you get all crazy about eating animals if someone has like a hamburger. If you don't go all PETA on them they don't really care.
Sometimes it is because they are ignorant and don't understand. Sometimes it is that some vegetarians tend to be judgemental to meat eaters and are a pain in the @$$ with their lecturing and sermonizing. We should just all let everyone eat what they want and like.
Because they don't know how to handle something different, even if it is better.
because some people have nothing better to do i guess.how sad.i eat meat but hats off to people that dont because we dont need it.
I know exactly how you feel. I've been vegetarian/partly vegan for 7 months now. Sometimes it feels like I'm completely alone in teh world and trying to talk to people about it or get them to understand is like talking to a brick wall. I find it amazing how many people have a problem with vegans and vegetarians. yet if you told them you didn't eat dairy because you were lactose intolerant they wouldn't judge you. If you todl them you couldnt eat meat because you lack the enzymes to digest it, they wouldn't judge you. If you said you can't eat grains or pastas because you have problems processing gluten, they woudln't judge you. yet if someone takes out a food group from their diet for moral reasons it's like the end of the world!!! Don't worry though.. you're not alone. There's some helpful stuff on www.veganoutreach.org on how to deal with stuff like this. You're doing the right thing. .not only for your health, but for the environment, and you're reducing the suffering of countless animals. Don't give up. Stay strong.
I think it's jealousy because omnivores sometimes lack willpower in the food department. Nobody gives me a hard time about my veganism. Only online do they do that to me.
I believe its because the whole cave man theory.(me eat meat meat good) we automatically assume its the right thing....and not mention the media attention to vegans is frowned upon....people are simply put (monkey see monkey)they fallow the heard....there is not enough positive images about the subject..it will take time...lol sorry for the meat references..
Because seeing vegetarian people makes them feel guilty.
I have no idea but my grandpa grew up on a farm and is always saying it's unhealthy to be a vegetarian. I don't get it and I tense up and get upset but I always try just not to say anything. He's kinda stupid because he has no idea what he's talking about half the time and usually is wrong about everything. He's embarracing too. So I just let it go and don't let anyone tell me it's unhealthy or anything
It works both ways. Some vegetarians give omnis a hard time and judge them so much too. Try sitting at a KFC, just trying to have a meal, while some PETA vegans are protesting outside calling you all sorts of names and you'll know what i mean. Plus shirts, posters, fliers and even comics for children that say "meat is murder" or "milk is rape" is a subtle way of judging people who eat meat or drink milk don't you think? Like I said, it goes both ways.
To be fair, it has become a sort of "chicken or the egg" debate. Who harassed and judged who first, the preachy vegetarian or the prejudiced meat eater?
I don't give vegetarians a hard time, but if they preach to me, I'll whip out a raw steak and eat it right in front of them. It really irks me when I invite my vegetarian friends over for dinner, prepare vegetarian food for them and then they start getting preachy. They even say things like, "Well, if you're going to eat meat, you should of at least made us tofu/soy hotdogs or chicken or something." Which is a complete joke to me; Want meat flavor? Meat shapes? EAT MEAT! And I just love how vegans can go play golf, use wood, drive cars, etc; all which equals death to animals and animal habitats.
Some people are just ignorant, they would judge someone no matter what it was. I find most people that harass vegetarians are also against other things that are different.
Others are misinformed, their only exposure to veg*ns are the ones they see on t.v, they think all vegetarians are out to convert the masses. Some have a get them before they get us mentality, or feel that all veg*ns are judging them, so they are just defending themselves.
Other people are simply immature. These people are easy to recognize, their harassment is often unprovoked, and involves name calling.
All people judge, no matter what they circumstance. As soon as we meet someone we instantly judge the person based on looks, speech, etc. That is why first impressions last the longest. No one is immune from being judge or being the judgee. I find that most people that eat meat are not judgmental of my vegetarianism. Most people I know have no idea that I don't eat meat, when they find out I have never come across anyone who makes a big deal or harasses me because of it.
Oddly enough both vegetarian and meat eaters want the same thing from the other, which is to eat the way they please without judgment or harassment. The world would be a much nicer place if we recognized the needs of others as not so different from our own.
because they are weird meat is good
cause people are l=uck$
cuz they're all panzies who don't realize that animals are there for us to eat
did u ever ask a plant whether they feel pain