HELP! Need to make a list for my friend? If she is a vegetarian what foods will make her gain weight?!
Best to eat a healthy diet though, balanced in calories, and with lots of healthy fruit and veg. Think carefully as well about why your friend needs to gain weight - does she need to? You don't say why she needs to, so this makes it a bit hard to make recommends.
Answers: Same way you get anybody on any diet to gain weight: eat more calories than you use up in energy. Not complicated. Calorie dense foods: e.g. any oil, or foods based on fat will be high in calories.
Best to eat a healthy diet though, balanced in calories, and with lots of healthy fruit and veg. Think carefully as well about why your friend needs to gain weight - does she need to? You don't say why she needs to, so this makes it a bit hard to make recommends.
pasta,rice bread and olive oil
Pasta makes you gain weight mate
Lots of carbs and fatty foods. Cheese for example will help her gain a lot of fat. If she wants to put on more lean weight, then protein would be good (soya mince, soy milk, Quorn, tvp, tofu, lentils, other pulses).
If you give her a lot of processed vegetarian meat substitutes, she will gain weight. After all, the reason why most people in the Western World are overweight or obese is because most eat too much protein. If you eat more than 75 grams of protein a day, you are in trouble.
Eggplant Parmesan.
Its like vegetarian lasange. Its so good, but so fattening also.
good fats- ie: avocado, olive oil, full fat yogurt smoothies Does your friend eat dairy? ( Yo Baby organic yogurt uses whole organic milk) breads, pastas, rice, cereal, potatoes. Nut Butters (cashew, peanut). Coconut. Hummus and Pita.
Wherever possible, add dressings and high fat sauces to your food. If you eat dairy, add sour cream to your potato, Try creamy salad dressings, rather than vinagrettes.
Add soy sauce to food- apparently this helps you retain water. I once saw an interview with Renee Zelweiger as to how she gained weight for Bridgette Jones, and she said said she added soy sauce to everything.
Basically anything with fat or carbs like too much bread, too much pasta, or even too many avocados and/or nuts.
I will say it, Is she just starting out as a vegan? If so go see a Doctor or a dietitian. They will find out what her body needs. If she is losing weight that fast there is something else going on
Too many carbs for someone who is prone to diabetes is very bad. Also, if she keeps losing weight it may be something wrong with her metabolism.
Changing your lifestyle overnight can have serious consequences’. Do it right find a doctor that will listen and keep her healthy.
nuts, pasta, rice, chips, cheese, oily fish[if she does eat fish] bread, there are lots of things, mostly carbs, alcohol puts weight on too especially cider and lager
Salted nuts, granola, eggs, cheese, coffee [this stimulates your liver to produce insulin, which stores sugars, carbs, and lipids into fat molecules], all love water soluable foods, i.e. pealed potatoes, white rice, white bread, bananas, grits, real butter, and deserts: ice-cream and real dariy cream.
just about every food that will make an omnivore gain weight. Make sure she doesnt eat junk food, because that is a common mistake that many people make while doing this. And avoid foods that have grease and oil dripping out of them. Those are obviously not healthy and they make you feel really sloppy while youre eating them.
pretty much any foods in high quantities,
breads, rice, pastas, chocolate, potatoes.... eat too much of anything 2bh and you'll put on weight.