What is included in the Vegan diet?!
Answers: Is it ABSOLUTELY no meat? Are some non-meats excluded as well?
Vegans eat nothing of animal origin. No meat, milk, eggs, honey, or slaughter byproducts.
We eat fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains, nuts, seeds, herbs, spices, mushrooms and everything made from them. If it's not from an animal or made with something from an animal, it's fair game.
Vegans eat no meat, poultry, fish, dairy, honey, meat or dairy by-products, etc. We only eat foods plant-based foods basically.
Yes, because it is not only non-meat, but no animal by-products.
here is list
but lost of fake meats have eggs white, milk ingredients like Whey. Many Margarine's contain casein (also a dairy product).
You just need to get to know the big ones then go from there :) good luck
Vegans eat everything as long as it is not an animal product.
It's easier to state what one doesn't eat.
Nothing that has been an animal, parts of an animal, was made useing parts of an animal or that an animal has made.
vegans eat no animal products at all. no milk, eggs, meats, or poultry, or fish