What do you eat that actually make you a vegetarian?!
Answers: when i hear the word "vegetarian" i think of only eating vegetables. i'm a vegetarian but i hardly eat any vegetables. i usually eat about an apple a day and maybe some carrots or something like salad at dinner. does that make me a vegetarian? should i start to eat more vegetables and fruits? anything else i should eat or drink?
Well,that depends on what sort of vegetarian you want to become..
*Total Vegetarians: eat only plant food. They do not eat any animal foods, including fish, eggs, dairy products, and honey.
* Vegans not only omit all animal products from their diets, but they also eliminate them from the rest of their life. Vegans use nothing from animals, such as leather, wool, and silk.
*Lacto-Vegetarians will include dairy products into their diet of plant food.
*Lacto-Ovo-Vegetarians eat both eggs and dairy products.
*Pesco-Vegetarians include fish into their diets
*Pollo-Vegetarians eat poultry, such as chicken, turkey, and duck.
I think it just depends on what you're willing to give up,
and what your body needs health wise.
And seeing what you eat,..you definitely need some protein,beans,..more fruit,and nuts..If you don't like veggies
so much,try veggie juices with fruit so it over-powers the taste.
No meat= vegetarian.
You need to balance your diet! If you aren't eating meat you are a vegetarian, but as a vegetarian (especially a new one) it's easy to fall into a dietary comfort zome of carbs and non-meat tv dinners and junk food.
You need to replace meat with a good source of protein. Beans, soy products, tofu... now is a great time to experiment in the kitchen and even in the grocery as there are sooo many fruits a vegetables you might not have even though about as a meat-eater. You need to get creative, look for recipees, and try new spices if you find vegetarian foods bland at first.
Keep a food diary!
Vegetarians don't eat meat. Vegans don't eat any meat or animal products ie. eggs, milk, cheese, butter ect. You don't necessarily just eat veggies. Vegetarians just stay away from meat. And yes, that includes bacon! There are plenty of meat alternatives too. Soy and tofu for instance.
NO! I am a lacto vegetarian ( no meat, fish, eggs ) But I eat fries, chips,chocolate,candy,ice cream,coca cola, does that mean I am not a vegetarian. No, I still am a vegetarian.
Being a Vegetarian is when you dont eat meat of fish simple!
"Vegetarian" is defined by what you *don't* eat, not by what you do. If you don't eat dead animals, you're a vegetarian.
However, vegetarian does not automatically mean healthy. If you're getting one serving of fruit and one or two servings of vegetables, you're not eating a healthy diet. You should be getting more like 5-9 servings of fruits and veggies every day. Plus whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds.
Vegetables and lots of carbs. (read-pasta!) I'm rather health conscious so if its scientifically researched as being healthy, I'll eat it. If something taste disgusting but I found out that it was actually healthy, the food will start tasting exceptionally good. I also tend to eat a lot of fruits as well, I hardly notice that I'm restricting my diet.
Sounds like you're not eating enough! Eat plenty of fruit. Tomatos is a fruit! Don't forget about herbs, cereals, wheats, beans, kelp, beets, potatos. Vegetarians should eat more fruit than anything else then some dark green veggies for protein. Beets will give you the needed Iron. Kelp will give you sufficient B12. Fruit like bananas will needed patassium. Natural Grape Juice is good too! Grapes have an antitoxin in them!
sure, you're a vegetarian, but you need more nutrition.
lots of fruit and vegetables, grains, legumes and beans are extremely important.
It is not what you do eat as much as what you DON'T eat that makes you a Veggie or Vegan.
So are you saying you are a Veggie & the list you gave is all you eat every day? If that is so it's way too little.
I'd would add brown Rice, Qunioa & other whole grains, baked red or sweet potatoes, nuts, nut butters. Legumes: Lentils, hummus(chickpea dip), black beans are very fiber & protien rich also.
I drink fresh made Veggie Juices, water & herb or green teas.
Slainté (to your health)
A vegan will not eat anything that breathes, some will eat eggs most don't.
I don't think you are a vegetarian, if you only eat apples and carrots how do you survive.