How can we be naturally Omnivore if we don't have any physical nor biological characteristics for it?!
check out comparison chart clicking on this link and scrolling down to the end.
Answers: If you look at the chart comparing Carnivore, Omnivore, Herbivore and Human. We are nowhere close to be either Carnivore or Omnivore. We have all the signs of Herbivore, so how come everyone so sure we are Omnivore?
check out comparison chart clicking on this link and scrolling down to the end.
It’s very simple folks, the answer is not the teeth the answer is our intestinal tract, all the meat eating animals have short intestinal tracts while we have a rather long two totaling 25 to 28 feet in length. A lions tract is shorter so that the meat does not stay inside it 4 a long period of time and rot. Ours is long so when we eat meat it rots inside, which is one of the reasons why we get sick and our forts and waste (****) is sooo stink. The food we eat takes a while, about 18 hours if u are healthy more if you’re not, and by healthy I don't mean skinny, to past through us whereas the lions past through about 3 times less than that. sit some meat out and see how long b4 it starts to smell or go bad(and not to mention when its inside us it in an environment that warm and moist, man oow wee. canines means nothing. of course the problem is though, that there some veggies and fruits that are bad for us too because they are manmade( or hybrid foods) which means they have starch (which is a chemical not a food) which makes it acidic, and the human body does not like acidic things because it makes us sick and gives us diseases.
Our body is made up of 102 minerals that we know of, and the only thing that can put those minerals into a digestive form that our bodies can assimilate them is a natural plant (one that is made by nature not humans) and no animal or laboratory can do that for us, that’s why if u take too much iron pills you find on a shelf in a store it will bine inside of you but if you eat fruits and veggies that has a high iron content it won’t do so.
So no the incisors don't mean we should eat meat -- we have just been condition to eat meat because those who say we should lived in a climate that pushed them to consumed meat because fruits and veggies where not enough during the major of the year(winter time). because look closely at things you will see that those who live in warmer climates don’t consume as much meat as we do which they are most definitely healthier than we are, cause those people don't die from diseases, they die from hunger and mal nutrition they have time to develop diseases. We just die from diseases which we get from mal nutrition we just stay alive long and suffer without seeing the cause which is BLOOD AND STARCH cause that’s all we eat a piece of MEAT AND POTATO.
This will always be hotly debated.
I do agree with the chart but humans are versatile, we can either be naturally omnivore or naturally herbivore. Although, there are many consequences that occur in those who eat meat versus those who do not.
The only thing that is totally unnatural for most humans is being total carnivores. I say most humans because those who live in northerly latitudes (i.e. Inuit, Native Alaskan, Greenlanders, Sami, etc.) have mainly carnivorous diets but they also have very short life expectancies.
We are omnivores because our systems can digest both plant and animal products as food.
Debate it all you want, but that's the fact.
We have predatory teeth and flat molars to grind vegetation.
We are built like an omnivore. The chart is just trying to make humans special. If you looked at a person and compared them to another animal (in terms of teeth shape and digestive tract) we most closely match a pig, an omnivore. The digestive tract of the human is midway between that of a carnivore and that of an herbivore. We are made to be omnivores.
Everything on the last website you provide is baised towards being a vege, as it is a veg site.
Please also keep in mind that humans are not made to hunt their prey with their claws and mouth, as many other carnivores do, and thus a lot of adaptations that they have are to do just that. we kill our prey via other means, using our brains to make tools. Just because we dont look like cats doesnt make us herbivores.
Hahahahahaha.... Are you kidding? Your sources for "indisputable" facts are two pro vegetarian, anti-meat eating websites. of course that's what they will say! Were you surprised that they didn't have burgers or steak and ribs recipes there too?
You have teeth that can and are used for biting into and chewing meat. Not as long and sharp as a carnivore's but enough to do the job. You can even eat (and a lot of people do) eat raw or lightly cooked meats. Yo have a short but very large intestine to digest meat. Since animal cells don't have walls, they are easier to break down.( as opposed to plant cells that have walls and are more difficult to break down. that's why you need the long drawn out process and grinding of the much longer but thinner small intestines. You also have a gallbladder that produces copious amounts of bile. Bile's main function is to digest meat. that's why many true herbivores have either very small gall bladders or don't have them at all. So what absent physical or biological characteristics are you talking about?
On the other hand, many plant foods need to be cooked in order to be edible. You cannot eat raw unprocessed rice, beans, corn, wheat (or even flour for that matter). And even some some fruits and vegetables need to be at least blanched before being safe to be eaten. When was the last time you saw a true herbivore boil or blanch it's food?
it is pretty much an indisputable fact: Because of the dictates of the evolutionary process, humans are omnivores. Be a vegetarian if you want that's your choice. Some people don't want to be and that's their choice too.
exsft gave you the most brilliant answer to your question.
That′s exactly the way our body is designed TO EAT meat.
Now, I could easily assume (please correct me if I′m wrong) that your choice of diet has ethical motives. And that′s brilliant FROM YOU, but please be more critical about articles you read around the Net and elsewhere. Read more things and compare. Believing in such nonsense that humans are not designed to eat meat is obviously a result of your lacking information.
heres one thing to think about...humans enjoy to eat meat and veg...have you ever seen a lion tuck into a wont as it is a meat eater and physically cant eat the banana...if we humans were not meant to eat meat we would have a "gag reflex" in which our body would reject the meat instantly to stop us ingesting somthing we shouldnt...just as if you eat alot of poisonous seeds your body protects you by forcing you to be sick...if we then truly were not mean to eat meat then this reflex would be present....all i can say on the teeth part is we have two sets of teeth with teeth that are obviously designed to rip....are teeth are not designed to take down an animal but we dont need to...thats why we have large brains because we need to use our brains to hunt...not our teeth and this came in the form of weapons and tactics so you see it is perfectly plausible to eat both meat and veg...and 1 final thing...if we were not meant to eat meat...why have we done it since the dawn of time???
oh well said aki T :)
Adam T and my favorite exfst are completely right. If we weren't meant to eat meat, then our bodies wouldn't absorb the nutrients. And don't ever give links to veg websites. You need websites coming from straightup Phd earners who aren't biased with their food choices. And you might as well say we're not meant to eat plants because we don't digest the fibrous parts of plants, thus it rots in our large intestines, which comes out guessed it!
i'm only answering this question so i can vote for exfsts answer as best answer.
It is far and away the most intelligent, comprehensive put down to this common illogical pro-veg argument that i have ever seen.
Hm, I am not sure. What is the point to discuss? When I look at the apes, our ancestors, so most of them eat fruits and plants, but usually also some ants or termites, some apes are also hunting other apes (to eat them!), but apparently only in places with almost no edible vegetation...
So it seems that we evolved from a species which was primarily herbivore, with the possibility to eat a little meat in tough times with no other possible food sources. This might have been our evolutionary advantage, while other species could eat only plants or only meat, we could eat all...
But I strongly believe, that we are almost 97-98% herbivore. When I look at my heath problems (I have Lupus, the autoimmune rheumatic disease) and the possible cure I just discovered (a strict vegetarian diet without even eggs or milk, low fat and low sugar and natural organic, read here:, adding to it that my symptoms ALWAYS did get better eating 100% fresh vegetables and rice and similar mild things and worsened through even most organic milk or eggs or lean meat - aren't they supposed to be good for us? - but not with a real disease obviously, therefore I presume our basic state is herbivore, other way I would get better through the lean and organic animal products I ate! and I did not!
That is THE $64,000. dollar question!
I do not believe we are, I've seen this info before but there are other things that point to the same conclusions.
100 's of Health & Lifestyle studies showing a Plant based diet better for humans. The China Study, look at some of John Robbins books. He does wonderful indepth works on this subject.
Bibilical Refrences for a plant based diet stating the the same things.
Yes we can live(with dire repercussions) eating animal flesh but it is proven we THRIVE on a plant based diet.
I recently went to hear Paul Nison speak on this subject.
Here is a thought that occured: IF you know(belevie) eating animal flesh is wrong & harmful is it a sin to do it anyway? Use Smoking, Doing Drugs, Over Drinking etc. in the place of eatting flesh what is the answer there?
Slainté (to your health)