Which Veggie burger brand do you think is the best...?!
Answers: Morningstar Farms or Gardenburger... unless you have another one to suggest.
Boca all the way, it is incredibly delicious. It is also very easy to cook with. Just the other day, I cooked a boca burger, then ground it up and put it in tacos and spaghetti and it was amazing
garden burger
Morningstar and Gardenburgers are alright but I much prefer the Safeway Eating Right Soy Protein Burgers and Boca burger vegan Spicy Chik'n Patties. Both have very nice textures and tastes.
I like Morningstar - Black Bean or Mushroom burgers. I like Boca Burgers, too, but soy burgers taste different from veggie burgers.
Morningstar, their Pizza Burger was really good
Simple to make too
I think Boca has the most flavor. There is a smoked one that tastes like it has been grilled.
Morningstar is my next favorite if the store is out of Boca. I find Morningstar better when I make chili or spaghetti.
Gardenburger is my least favorite. It is as if they have learned the fine art of overcooking something to the point of making it flavorless.
well i've been vegetarian all my life so i don't like those veg burgers that are meant to taste/look/smell/feel meatish it feels like im eating the real thing and it grosses me out. i think GARDENBURGER is best, it tastes vegetarian.
Don't buy ready made veggie burgers cause they can deceive you and put some real meat in them and you'd never know it! Make your own.. with canned pumpkin, oats, wheat germ and soya sauce.. mix all together and fry with a little oil or pan sprayed with cooking oil!
here are some things to add to your new found journey to being healthy and remember its not going to happen over night just look at nature she takes her time, but if u must eat meat eat some fish thats not too bad and i find that mushrooms are a good replacement for meat when cooking and they are high in potassium more than bananas--- Amaranth, avocados, bell peppers, chayote, dandelion greens,garbanzo beans, mushrooms(all except shitake), nopales,okra,olives,onions,sea vegetables(wakame/dulse/arame/hijiki/nor... cherry and plum tomatoes, tomatillo,zucchini, spelt,kamut,quinoa,rye,teff,wild rice,black rice, not wheat(its not a natural grain its hybrid or manmade) --berries-all except cranberries,cantaloupe, cherries,currants,dates,figs,grapes-seed... keylimes,mango,melons-seeded,seville orange,papayas, peaches pears, plums,prunes,raisins-seeded,soft jelly coconuts,soursops,sugar apples. raw almonds,walnuts,raw sesame seeds
Boca burger vegan patties are the most realistic to a hamburger-- add them to a bun with your hamburger toppings (ketchup, mustard, pickles or whatever else you add) and you'll never miss a meat burger. They are excellent hamburger replacement.
As far as chicken goes, I really like the Gardenburger Chick'n Grill patties. That's just delicious and tastes very much like grilled chicken. That's great on a sandwhich also and is vegan.
I used to really like the Boca Spicy Chicken patties-- initially they were vegan, but I've seen the recent formulation with eggs in them. So most likely those ones still have eggs, though it is worth checking the box if you want vegan and not vegetarian.
Most of the Morningstar burgers are also vegetarian, not vegan. So if you want to stick with vegan, don't choose those.
As far as seafood goes, there are some vegan restaurants that have vegan shrimp (the vegan restaurant near my place has them, and they are made from potato starch-- but the taste is absolutely divine and it tastes like real shrimp, which is unbelievable). I don't know what brand those are, as they are less commonly available than veggie burgers-- but you might want to do a google search of 'vegan shrimp' as you may find restaurants serving those, or even vegan shrimp that you can buy online if you really want vegan seafood.
When I struggle with veganism, I like to look over my "Why Vegan?" or "Even if You Like Meat" pamphlets, which remind me why I decided to become vegan in the first place--as I hate seeing animals being murdered. That totally motivates me and puts me back on track. Maybe some reminder of why you decided to be vegan would help.
Every single commercial veggie burger brand I have ever eaten has been disgusting.
However, I have made some utterly sensational tasting veggie burgers at home.
Home-made is far superior to shop brought both in taste and health wise – very easy to make too.