Should I become vegan?!
Answers: I am already a veg*n but I want to become vegan. I am 15 and live with my parents. They don't like the ideal of me becoming one. Should I move out and become a vegan or stay and just keep being a lousy veg*n??
I'm not even going to address the idiocy of the misinformation presented here by other posters. Be aware that if you choose to become vegan you can probably expect to encounter ignorance and ridicule like this from some people. It sucks, but some people feel threatened and get defensive when they encounter someone who is different from themselves and what they perceive as normal.
I agree that moving out of your parents house is not a good idea and probably not practical. At your age it is time that you started making adult decisions for yourself, including what you eat. If you do your homework and show your parents that it is indeed very possible to thrive on a vegan diet and explain to them your reasons for wanting to do so in a rational, adult manner they're more likely to be comfortable with your decision.
Be prepared with solutions to possible problems your parents may have with the situation. Your parents don't want to prepare special meals for you? Learn how to cook and prepare your own meals. Perhaps your parents see this as some sort of personal rejection. Use the old "it's not you, it's me" line.
This is your decision, and if you want your parents to respect your ability to make decision for yourself as an (almost) adult you're going to have to act like one.
just eat healthy, stay with your parents
stop being a rebel / and a pain in their @$$
If you remain living at home or not it's always up to you what you put in your body.
If you are serious about becoming a true Vegan you should read anything on nutrition by author Bernard Jensen.
God, bless and good health to you!!
Don't move out over something so small. You're fifteen... think of how difficult it would be to get a job and all. It's really not threatening to parents when you say you want to move out. They'll either ground you and rain punishments down, or let you try so in essence you're punishing yourself.
Anyways, being a vegan you will be more sensitive to the odors of people eating meat. It's more difficult and half the people out there will respect you, the other half not. I can't really say much more about it because I don't know much about your situation.
You can't be forced to eat anything you don't want to eat...
I think moving out is extremely drastic for the given situation. I don't even know how you would survive given the fact that you aren't even old enough to work.
Have you tried talking to your parents? In a grown-up, mature way - not threatening to leave if you can't be vegan. Do a little research just to have statistics, etc and then tell your parents you would like to talk. Explain to them your reasoning for wanting to be vegan. You may be surprised by their response if you handle the situation in a mature manner.
If they still refuse, then I say you need to wait until you are an adult and able to take care of yourself before moving out on your own.
You're 15, how are you supposed to move out...and how is that even a good enough reason to do so?!?!?!
Eat how you would like, but be healthy with your choices.
First of all, it's pretty funny how the one person spells meat wrong, lol!
Becoming a vegan or vegetarian is a very personal choice that each individual should make for themselves. But if you did chose to become vegan, would you really have to move out? You said your parents don't like the idea, but they wouldn't really want you to move out over this would they? I really hope not.........good luck.
I'm a vegetarian and it's ok if you want to become vegan but it's not all that great.
I know i'm a vegetarian but really humans are supposed to eat meat.
Proof is in our teeth, teeth in the back are for grinding up food like plants and the ones in the front are for ripping and tearing meat.
Also another very important thing you have to look out for is b12. If you go pure vegan you won't be able to get b12 from anything. You have to get fortified stuff. People usually get it from meat, eggs. There is no plant you can get a good source from. Some people argue that this is why humans are supposed to eat meat as well.
the human body needs certain acids and fats found in meat ,i bet if u had your doctor check u out u would b aneimac wich isnt good i dont c point in neglecting your bodies needs
I think being a Veg*n for the time being is fine. Being vegan is very hard and if you do not get all the right vitamins and minerals in your diet you can have health problems such as "hair loss" and I'm sure a 15 year old would not want to lose their hair. Also - being a Vegan is also expensive, the supplements alone will be costly.
I hope this helps your decision. If you still feel differently when you are a little older, try and switch over when you can afford it. I wouldn't put that burden on your parents though, I'm sure it is hard enough for them to buy you all separate food as it is.
I know because I don't eat red meat and never really did. I also hate any meat with fat. My diet was made up of poultry and fish. I am a very picky eater. I drove my parents nuts at your age, my Mom would have to cook separately for me.
wow, I can not believe the stupid people on here.
1) Firstly you are not a "lousy" veg*n
2) at this point, you want to be a practical veg*n,
3) if your parents support your actions and are willing to help you then yes, be a vegan
4) if you feel it will be hard at this time, then wait till you are out on your own
In the mean time, be strong and healthy.
Vegan Nutrition: Vegan Food: How to be a Healthy Vegan.
work out exactly what you need and then eat veg*n foods that give you great health.
for free and easy recipes go to:
You can buy most things at your local large food store. buy the ingredience for the meals.
make dinner, and save some for the next day's lunch. - saves time and money.
donot move out just for food and parents r more important not food.
Unless your parents are threatening to kick you out on you @ss if you go vegan, then go vegan.
Shannon gave you AWESOME advice. :-)
I wonder if Techie realizes the audacity of the "proof" of human dentition? Pandas have dentition that is very similar to humans, with even larger "canines," and yet pandas are vegetarian... just food for thought.
I became vegan when I was 15, too - two years on, and I'm perfectly healthy, but I do keep a strict watch on my health.
If you're willing to put in the effort, then go for it - I recommend buying a good vegan cookbook, but search for recipes on the net too - assuming you cook for yourself.
Moving out would probably only make things worse - in the end, you'd probably relish what you got, even meat. In a few years you can move out properly, so perhaps it's worth the wait.
If you do your own cooking already, then just take charge - start without them! Show them the substitutes you can get for every dairy item out there -soy milk, cream, cheese, chocolate.
Best of luck ^^
why the hell would you want to? meet is sooOOooo good.
why would you want to
no of course not thats just wrong
Yeah, go a head and move out at the age of 15 and see how that works out for you.....I hope you stop eating meat. It's more good food for the rest of us!
Being a vegan is very unhealthy. I know that there are ways to make sure you still get all the nourishment you need, but I wouldn't count on feeling all that great. You need to face the facts HUMANS WERE MEANT TO EAT MEAT and animal products.
Your body was designed to utilize a variety of food sources to its best possible advantage. By limiting your foods, you can strain your body's ability to function. This is especially critical during your first twenty years.
Typically people your age follow strict diets such as vegan because of an eating disorder, not for health reasons.
You need a doctor's advice before proceeding to prevent harming your health.
If you have to ask a bunch of random people if you should be a vegan.... then no.
Being a vegan is about yourself..... just like people cant become a lesbian...they are a lesbian or they aren't.
especially at a young age it can stunt your growth..... I was raised a veg. and my body was severely malnourished by the time I was 14..... now i continue to not eat meat.... but I still have dairy to be healthy.
And vegan products are expensive... and since you are young I'm assuming your job is at a fast food restraunt. It would take up your whole paycheck just to feed yourself. A vegan frozen pizza is 5 dollars more than a normal one. Are you willing to pay that.
And if you dont have a job it would be beyond rude to make your parents do it.
hope I could help.