If it was born with out a face would you eat it?!
if a cow or chicken (whatever) was born with out a face (compleate lack of facial features, mouth, eyes, nose etc.) and was kept alive via injected food and a resperator.
would you eat any of this of abomination nature?
Answers: i know this soulds like trolling but it just came into my head.
if a cow or chicken (whatever) was born with out a face (compleate lack of facial features, mouth, eyes, nose etc.) and was kept alive via injected food and a resperator.
would you eat any of this of abomination nature?
No way. vegetarianism isn't about eating things "without a face" its about avoiding eating sentient animals with the capability of feeling emotion and pain. So even if this hypothetical face-less cow or chicken did exist, it would still have a nervous system, and the ability to feel pain. So no I would not eat it.
they would probably kill it, or would not sell it for food. but to go along with your story:
I might if i didn't know, then i would probably get sick
Nope. They're actually developing vat-grown meat made with stem cells or something, and cloned cattle are being sold now; I'd assume faceless, mindless, painless animals will soon be sold in the local supermarkets, but I still won't eat it.
Probably because I can't stand the smell of meat anymore, or because I still think it's wrong to exploit something with a brain, or because the thought of eating muscle tissue makes me puke in my mouth.
that is a stupid question to ask
and NO i wouldn't eat it
it would still have nerves and feelings
NEVER!!! Even if it had no feelings i would still not eat it!!! its a living animal and it wants to live just as much as you or I !!! I could never go back to eating meat now that i'm vegan!!! I could care less if it had a face or not..... :(
I don't eat things that are born.
Would We Even Be Able To Tell If It Had No Face ... They Would Sell It Dead So We Wouldn't Know But I Wouldn't Eat It But I Wouldn't Eat It Even If It Had A Face ^-^
lol had to laugh gotta adress a few idiots here...firstly..if it was brain dead and could not feel anything it wouldnt matter if it had nerves as it ***** feel anything..which is just the same as a plant..but u dont mind eating the plant...secondly.."i wouldnt eat anything that was born" sorry to say wrong again plants are "born" from seeds so ur pretty screwed for food now... and if the animal was brain dead it would not know anything and therefore would have no desire to live as it doesnt know...i bet plants want to live..but just cuz they cant talk you dont seem to have a problem eating them...so wheres your rational answer cuz i aint seen one yet.