Allowed or not: vegetarian foods?!
Cheese? (including Feta Cheese)
answer yes/no to these. go into depth if you'd like
and can you think of any others that are or not allowed that are argued about?
the only meat i love is seafood so i don't want to eat lamb/cow/pork etc. so what am i concidered if i only eat seafood and not red meat/pork/lamb/cow/etc.....
Answers: Egg whites? (omelette's?)
Cheese? (including Feta Cheese)
answer yes/no to these. go into depth if you'd like
and can you think of any others that are or not allowed that are argued about?
the only meat i love is seafood so i don't want to eat lamb/cow/pork etc. so what am i concidered if i only eat seafood and not red meat/pork/lamb/cow/etc.....
Egg whites? (omelette's?) maybe, not vegan
Milk?maybe not vegan
Fish? NO, it is still meat
Mushrooms? yes, it is fungus and it basically a plant.
Cheese? (including Feta Cheese) depends on the culture used, rennin from yeast and things yes but not from the belly of a cow.
Shrimp? no, same as fish, this also rules out cockroaches FYI
Crab? nope
Lobster? no
Yogurt? same as cheese
milk and eggs are strange because if it is an environmental attitude these are beneficial to the animal, but from a dietary PoV these still have saturated animal fats.
dairy is an iffy subject, cheese and yogurt especially read the labels. i personally just eat cheese, i try to avoid the animal rennet but if it is in there and i am already eating it, im not stopping because that would be wasteful and i love cheese!
oh and fish is just like meat because it is meat. just as any mermaid you happen to see, what is tuna like? "the chicken of the sea!"
a good substitute for iron, protein and such, is nuts and beans.
oh i choose vegetarian-ness for the same reason. though i hate animal mistreatment, eating meat is a part of nature just as a survival instinct thing though. that is the only reason i learn tracking and hunting skills at all. only arrows at that.
Eat all the sea food you want. Just don't call yourself a vegetarian as long as you're doing so.
I don't understand America's obsession with labels. If you must have one, you'd be a pescatarian or something like that.
Depends on the type of vegetarian you are.
Some don't eat anything with a face therefore fish, shrimp and lobster are out.
Some don't eat any dairy therefore milk, yogurt and any kind of cheese are out.
Most don't eat Eggs.
Mushrooms are allowed.
For a vegetarian: yes, yes, no, yes, yes, no, no, no, yes. For a vegan: no, no, no, yes, no, no, no, no, no. While it's not correct technically, some people claim to be vegetarians even if they eat fish. For someone who eats fish but no other animals, terms that could be used are pesco-vegetarian or pescatarian. FYI, pork is considered a white meat.
anything tht didnt start off with a face....animals etc
but like thats vegetarian totaly!
things like yougurt milke cheese and eggs, are things you wouldnt eat if you were vegan which like means you dont consume any animal products at all...milke comes from cows, eggs from chickents and so on
oh....if you eat seafood, then your not a vegetarian, your a peskitarian (screw spelling)
Vegetarians *choose* not to eat dead animal parts. Some *choose* not to eat animal products.
1. Egg whites- ovo & lacto-ovo vegetarians eat them.
2. Fish - no vegetarian eats animals. Fish are animals.
3. Mushrooms -um... if they want to.
4. Cheese - lacto & lacto ovo vegetarians eat it.
5. Shrimp - no vegetarian eats animals. Shrimp are animals.
6. Crab - no vegetarian eats animals. Crabs are animals.
7. Lobster - no vegetarian eats animals. Lobsters are animals.
8. Yogurt- lacto & lacto-ovo vegetarians may eat yogurt.
If you eat sea life but not red meat, you are a picky omnivore. You are not a vegetarian. Vegetarians don't eat animals.
well you cane be lacta ove veg like me and u can eat eggs and dairy i eat fish because it contains iron and protine and u can eat what eve u want dnt isten to what pl tel u if u think its veg then it is
1) Egg whites--vegetarian, not vegan. Eggs are suitable for vegetarians.
2) Milk--vegetarian, not vegan.
3) Fish--not vegetarian. This includes ALL sea animals, including shrimp, crab, and lobster. Vegetarians do not eat the flesh of any animal, and this includes sea creatures.
4) Mushrooms--they're vegan.
5) Cheese--theoretically vegetarian, but many cheeses are coagulated with rennet, an agent made from the fourth stomach of veal calves. You want to be sure the cheese you eat has microbial rennet.
6) You'd think yogurt would be vegetarian, but there are some brands that use gelatin in them, so you'll have to read labels. Or you can eat soygurt.
Gelatin, just so you know, is made from the bones, tendons, and hides of slaughtered animals, so you want to avoid foods with gelatin.
There's no real label for someone who eats no flesh foods except for fish. Some people use the term "flexitarian", which irritates me, but I suppose it's better than someone who eats fish calling themselves a vegetarian. But it's best if you say you eat no meat except for fish.