Why do people eat dogs?!
Answers: its so mean
cause they are sick.
Certain animals are bred to provide food dogs aren't one of them,dogs are pets or working dogs.
Why is it mean to eat a dog, but not mean to eat a cow or a pig?
It's cruel to take the life of any creature.
what the hell, who would even do that ?
DO YOU ???
I guess if you are really, really hungry !? I haven't heard of this happening in North America, were you referring to any place in particular ??
same reasion we would eat a cow
It's mean to eat chickens, pigs and cows too, but we eat them...
Some people just see them as another source of protein.
Why is it wrong to eat dogs, but not pigs, cows, or chickens? What makes dogs better than those animals in your opinion?
I think it's wrong to eat any animal, I don't differentiate.
there is nothing wrong with that,
different cultures value different animals differently. It's all in your head. A pig is smarter than a dog but we eat pigs. I heard a farm girl talk about her pet chicken, then she said when it was big enough they would eat it. Farm people don't have this problem of seeing an animal both as a pet and as a source of food.
your retarted
how can you think its mean to eat a dog, yet its not mean to eat a cow, horse, pig etc???
ima kill you and eat you some day, then see how you feel..
Pigs are more "intelligent" than dogs, in my opinion. Why do we eat them?
Having an emotional attachment to one kind of animal and not to the other does not make it an easier death for either. Dogs, pigs, cows, chickens, sheep, turkeys, fish, people, all feel a strong urge to stay alive, all feel pain, all have a connection to others. It's a loss to the world whenever any animal dies when it didn't have to.
OK, do you think it's not OK to eat dogs and all the little cutie animals but its perfectly fine to eat a cow or pig or chicken?
They're both equally mean.
And to answer your question, it's what they want to eat.
u ra a sucker and idiot
nobody eats dogs anymore
Because their bark is bigger then their bite.
Apparently they do, in China (and possibly Korea...) My friend bought back a picture of a puppy being boiled alive - they're are factories for this sort of stuff. Although, they're very few, and it isn't actually all that common - it's hard to fight something in another country though...
to annoy an ignorant emo kid like you....
what's mean is Yahoo allowing such stupid and ignorant questions..
look up the words CULTURE and SOCIETIES and maybe,just maybe you can have a clue