Vegetarian ignorance???!
any answers?????
Answers: now i know the vast majority of vegetarians and vegans are great ppl who are very well educated but why do you allow ignorance in your favour and condem ignorance on the behalf of meat eaters...not carnivores!!!.....surely shudnt you report the ranting answers of the veggies that spout rubbish such as the constant answers saying yes veggie makes you healthy which isnt true...ANY diet if done right can be is ANY diet done incorrectly will be unhealthy...why is it then the so called educated bunch thumb up and support ignorant unfounded rants of the minority in favour of veggies but not can you be educated if you fight agaisnt one but allow the other..
any answers?????
Actually Adam.. first off thanks for unblocking me.. second off.. really you have taught me in the form to listen to both sides.. i used to put thumbs down for any meat eaters answer.. now i read and respect them.. unless it's like "If you stop eating meat you will go into shock".. (I'm not being mean or trying to be sarcastic in any way) you are right.. ANY diet done in the right way is beneficial for that person.. you have to make the decision on how you want to do that for yourself..
"...ignorant unfounded rants"
HEY! Just like yours!
hey im a vegetarian who is definately not healthy . but that is my own fault. just look at my other question. but i chose to be vegetarian because I care about animals. if somebody doesnt agree with me thats fine but dont try to tell me its healthy to eat meat! there is a lot of evidence out there that factory produced meat has a lot of by-products in it which are unhealthy.
It's hilarious when people come on here screaming about intelligence and education, but can't even spell themselves. Did you happen to see that there is a spell check tab on here?
PS--I could have plenty to say, but I doubt you would understand, so why waste my time?
powerzap is of course right - most plants are grown so that YOU and other omnivores can eat the meat that is obtained from those animals grazing on it. If that land was used for crop growing for people it would produce a lot more food, without the barbarism
"In their book Population, Resources, and Environment, Paul and Anne Ehrlich found that to grow one pound of wheat requires only 60 pounds of water, whereas production of a pound of meat requires anywhere from 2,500 to 6,000 pounds of water. And in 1973 the New York Post uncovered this shocking misuse of a valuable national resource - one large chicken slaughtering plant in America was found to be using 100 million gallons of water daily! This same volume would supply a city of 25,000 people."
Grass produces very little CO2 I have never see a cow eat a tree.
Anyway...being a vegetarian or vegan not only is more healthy (studies have proved it) but is contributes to helping save the environment. Blah blah blah ...right? Wrong this is very true. One...that is ONE, single pig farms produces more waste in one year than the entire city of New York! That is a lot of pig crap, where do you think this all goes? I will tell you, into large manure ponds that are HUGE...acres! The pig slop then seeps into well below ground then ultimately into our creeks, rivers, streams and oceans. Also, pigs and cows produce so much methane gasses that the factory meat/dairy farms that conatin hundreds of thousands of pigs, cows and chickens may single handedly be responsible for climate change and global warming. The need for meat is way overestimated and our factory use up more than they need. Also the lines in these animal factories move way too quickly that it endangeres the health and well-being of human, mainly our children, not to mention the hormones and antibiotics the animals are pumped full of which is causing our children to be more resistant to antibiotics and even causing them to mature way before nature intended. On a moral stand point, these animals are treated horrifically from birth to thier slaughter, and that in itself is inexusable. Think about how much meat actually gets eaten, not nearly as much as gets produced from animals...think of all the animals that died for nothing, just to expire on the shelves of the overpacked grocery stores. You know when you eat ground beef, you are eating the flecs from many cows, not just one, possibly dozens of cows. Many of those cows/chickens/pigs were unfit for human cosumption...infected with ganggreen, cancer and other diseases.
Meat eaters are a lot like hunters, they tend to defend themselves in a forceful "they are right" and "what you do is wrong" kind of way. Some veggies just dont have the power to take critisism anymore because we are ALWAYS critisized that not eating meat is wrong.
On another note, it doesnt sound like you really want to learn either though, so your right, it is a 2 way street. Do what we do (veggies) just nod and smile.
P.S. Meat nowadays is NOT healthy, nor safe to eat. Unless you know where you meat is coming from than peple shouldnt be eating it.
I hope I sortof answered your question. But your question wasnt really clear.
Look ...this is not a chat site, so go agrgue and ***** to people who care what you have to say. Shut up. You know, for someone who was wondering why meat eaters are bashed sure is wuick to BASH. It is people like you that take everything out of context and overreact and insult people that make this world a less friendly place. WE ARE ALL JUST TRYING TO ANSWERS YOU QUESTION AND LET YOU KNOW HOW WE FEEL................Drop dead JERK. SEE I CAN PLAY THAT GAME TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OH, and with reference to Kobe beef...
In an article on Gourmet magazine’s website entitled Raising the Steaks, contributing editor Barry Estabrook details the delights of tasting the heavily marbled Kobe beef, known as wagyu in Japan. However, the process of getting that meat is, he contends, not the romantic notion of massaged, pampered cows that the West has gobbled up. He asked around and got a slightly less palatable picture:
The animals were kept in some kind of crate, so there could be very little movement. They were very dirty from their own manure—and I know a dirty cow from a clean cow. It was disgusting, such a contradiction from what I’d read…
Traditional Japanese producers, Blackmore said, raise their 1,600-pound cattle in highly confined areas. “From the time they are a week old until they are three and a half years old, these steers are commonly kept in a lean-to behind someone’s house,” said Blackmore, “where they get bored and go off their feed. Their gut stops working. The best way to start their gut working again is to give them a bottle of beer.
The article contains some interesting history and comparisons to Western cattle-rearing methods. Truly food for thought.
As for what I’ve seen in Saga prefecture, where the natives are eager to brag that their beef is second only to Kobe’s (take that with a grain of salt), the cows were in a rather confined area, but together, with a small yard to hang out and do their cow stuff in.
Dude. You are freaking out and harshing everyone's mellow. You're saying ANY diet can be healthy???? So, I could be on a cabbage soup diet for the rest of my life and eat nothing else and be healthy? I can eat a big ol' stick of pepperoni a day for the rest of my life and be healthy? Uh huh.
Also, FYI, since you seem to be so down on "ignorance" should know that there are probably VERY few humans (if any) that are actually carnivores. Most have a varied diet of meats and veggies making them omnivores. But don't let 5th grade biology get in the way of YOUR rant.
Maybe you'll get some respect when you stop acting like a little 8 year old girl who just got told she can't have a pony.
Somebody burp this kid.
Adam, I know your the one who reports my answers. Really, I should report your question! But unlike you I actually allow people to have an opinion!
Plus, I still remember then you said that my parents should have had an abortion versus let me live! you are a silly little person, that has no Friends, so you come on here and pick fights with us!
"Honours degree in forensic science and an IQ of 142."
LOL! Oh goodness, Adam T, thank-you. You really made my day!
Ok hey hey calm down. No, turning vegetarian will not immediatley make you healthier. But, the average vegetarian is healthier than the average meat eater, I think because being a veggie forces you to be more aware of having a healthy diet. :)
On some level, I agree with you, I think.
Most junk food is vegetarian -- chips/crisps, candies, baked goods, sodas, frozen desserts, fried foods, excessive cheese, etc. So, obviously a vegetarian whose diet contains a lot of that can't, in all good conscience, go around claiming to be healthier than a omnivore who eats whole grains, fruits and vegetables and relatively small amounts of dairy, eggs and lean meat. Although, I might add that it helps an omnivore's argument if they eat only organic animal products, because they can't, in all good conscience, believe that all those pesticides, hormones and antibiotics are healthy.