How many lbs/kg or carrots were used to make my 1 liter carrot juice?!
So, about 4 pounds of carrots to make your liter.
Answers: In most case it takes 2 pounds of carrots to create 2 cups of carrot juice. It's roughly a pound to cup ratio, assuming the carrots are fresh and haven't began to dry out.
So, about 4 pounds of carrots to make your liter.
Kanpope has already answered your question, but it's important to keep in mind that just because a certain number of carrots has been used in your juice, doesn't mean you're consuming the equivalent benefits of that many carrots.
You may be getting all the nutrients - and this is only if the juice is VERY fresh - but you're getting none of the fiber, which is one of the main reasons that eating lots of veggies is so important. I know that wasn't your question, but I just thought I'd give a heads up.