RE:To all those VEGETERIANS and vegans out there.........why do we eat !

Question: sry for the same question again .... I got replies but mostly negative to my question above.I know its a matter of personal choice...
I just wanted to have my say on this issue, and did not wanted to offend any1 ,,,,, but if i did ......I appologise

Answers: sry for the same question again .... I got replies but mostly negative to my question above.I know its a matter of personal choice...
I just wanted to have my say on this issue, and did not wanted to offend any1 ,,,,, but if i did ......I appologise

Don't worry about it, you have all the right in the world to your opinion and to voice it, as long as you can respect the other side's views. Have a good day. Sorry if my response to the question came off wrong, as I said, I'm fine with what others eat as long as they don't provoke or attack me for something as simple as food, in the end.

its totally okay alot of people begin to question my vegetarianism because they say it is unnatural. The reason you eat meat goes back to prehistoric times, it was a source of good food, and it tastes good!

Yawn. How original. First, we have two tiny incisor teeth-hardly enough for ripping raw flesh-thats why humans have to cook meat, where carnivorous animals can hunt, catch, kill, and consume their prey raw. Human digestion is another thing that requires cooking meat-otherwise, the parasites and bacteria would kill us. Second, do your homework-thre are plenty of grains and veggies that contain the amino acids necessary to form a complete protein. Quinoa is one example-it contains 13 amino acids-only 8 are needed to form a protein. A well balanced plant based diet can provide all of the protein a human needs, as well as vitamins and minerals. Third, PLANTS don't die when we eat them-they keep right on reproducing. I grow all of my own food, and every time I pluck a cucumber, zuchini, squash, tomato, etc., from my plant, the plant just keeps on giving me more. Oh, and I have yet to hear one of my plants scream in pain when its fruits are picked. As for the cycle of life, I see no need to use my body as a graveyard for decaying animal flesh-its pretty clear to me that God designed humans to be better suited to gardening-its why we have an imposable thumb, and lack the ability to hunt down and kill our prey without the use of tools. How many vegetarians do you think there would be in the world if people had to catch, kill, and butcher their own meat? Its only because its readily available in a neat little package that it is so heavily consumed. Most people don't think about the fact that meat was once a living creature, with feelings and senses. Most wouldn't eat their dog, cat or parakeet-so why is a cow, pig or chicken okay? If this type of thing is what you need to post to make yourself feel better about eating dead animals, then knock yourself out-but it would be better if you researched the topic a bit more before spouting off-its clear that you have not. You stick to what you want. For me, I will enjoy all that mother nature intended for me to eat-and nothing has to bleed or die to satisfy my appetite. If you plan on enjoying what "nature intended". perhaps you should consider hunting down your own animals for food, and not relying on a grocery store to package up dead critters for you. Good luck taking down a cow without a gun, butchering it, and devouring it with those little "canine" teeth of yours. You would have no problem plucking fruits and veggies from a garden though-without having to chase a thing. Much more efficient use of energy, as far as I am concerned

Do you really think a vegetarian would have a different answer to this question than the rest of us?

"I know its a matter of personal choice"
You say this but your question implies that vegetarians are somehow misguided and maybe don't know that eating meat is perfectly natural.

If you want to know why vegetarians don't eat meat than ask that question.

I am not a vegan or vegetarian but I have a lot of respect for the ones who do manage to have a balanced diet, and I have been a vegan/vegetarian cook for 4 + years at a local co op. While its true that we as an intelligent species have the ability to figure out how to manage a vegetarian/vegan diet w/out succumbing to malnutrition, let's be honest. The majority of people in the world are not brainiacs, not terribly smart. If they were, the fast food and processed food industries wouldn't be making the dollars that they do every day. That being said, putting together a balanced vegetarian/vegan diet is not easy or terribly convenient for most people and, as a result, many newbie vegetarians suffer from malnutrition from simple lack of information. I have known people who thought they were doing so much good for their bodies in only eating beansprouts and grapes, raw veggies etc and ended up seriously sick because they didn't know which whole grains to eat in conjunction with which tofu, tempeh or beans. So, for a lot of us omnivores, the choice comes down 1)duh, the obvious desire to eat delicious meats and animal biproducts, 2)whether or not we care that what we're eating is a dead animal (I don't really), 3)the amount of time we're willing to put into carefully planning a diet that doesn't mean we can just grab a steak off the butcher shelf. I know a lot of vegetarians get upset at us omnivores for these opinions, but ours are just as valid as yours. The only thing about vegetarians that irks me is the self-righteous attitude a lot of them seem to carry around like a badge. I don't get militant about eating pork. I only ask the same in return. There are more pressing things in our times to get up in arms about than a person's dietary choices.

Don't worry about can't please all the people all the time. It's better to be honest than to be popular anyway. As long as you are honest about it and think you are posting the right thing, then there is nothing wrong with it.

@Beebs - Meat is eaten raw or partly cooked. if eating raw meat is dangerous and unsuitable for humans, then the whole sushi and sashimi eating country of Japan would not exist would it? Neither would the human race since meat eating predated the discovery of fire and man would have ceased to exist from eating raw meat. But obviously, that did not happen too did it? However many vegetables cannot be eaten raw.. Have you tried eating raw rice? Beans? Soy beans? How about cracking a walnut or a coconut with your bare hands and teeth? Corn? Can you eat raw wheat never mind flour? Even raw vegans have to blanch their food. Tomato leaves are toxic if eaten. So is uncooked soy bean milk. But tribes in the Amazon continue to exist after eating a wider variety of meats, cooked and uncooked. From lizards to spiders to tapirs to cats to monkeys etc.
yawn indeed, such stupid misguided, propaganda driven misinformation like yours is old news.

.........why do we eat MEAT......

Because you are programmed to. You have been brainwashed by propaganda from the meat industry. And also by government health bodies “protecting” their kick-backs from the meat industry.


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